Information for healthcare professionals

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust offers a Fetal and Placental MR imaging service.

Placental MRI

Most referrals are for abnormally invasive placenta (AIP) diagnosis and extent.

Patients can attend Sheffield Teaching Hospitals for their scan or they can be scanned locally and their images sent for reporting. If scanning locally please contact us to discuss sequences to undertake.

We currently report around 50 cases a year for suspected accreta.




Fetal MRI

Whilst performed as a targeted examination to the area of interest it will include a report on all areas of the fetus seen on the images. The MRI is performed with the reporting radiologist present, this ensures that if an abnormality is seen in other areas to that requested it will be assessed and reported on.

All reports include comments on the rest of the fetus, the amniotic fluid and the placenta. However it must be remembered that whilst MRI provides additional information to ultrasound it is a complimentary service and does not replace ultrasound nor is it able to detect all abnormalities.


Whilst MRI is thought to be safe after the first trimester each scan is supervised to ensure that the time taken is kept to a minimum whist obtaining diagnostic quality images.

The imaging aspects of the service in Sheffield are provided by a team of experienced radiographers.

All images are reviewed by two experienced radiologists and local cases are discussed at a monthly MDT.

Limitations of Fetal MRI

As with every investigation they are never perfect:

  • MRI is limited by fetal movement.
  • MR images are degraded in patients with a large BMI.
  • MRI is a 2D snap shot and although cine images can be obtained these are not routine.
  • MRI is of limited use for the limbs and heart.

Please note that we are currently developing ways of imaging the bones.

Fetal MRI only tells us about the structure of the baby’s body. It cannot tell us if it works.

Fetal MRI is only effective for some body areas, but not for others.

Parts of the body where fetal MRI is able to see the structure in detail include the brain, the nervous tissue of the spine, the lungs, the kidneys, the liver and bladder. It is not very good for looking at the bowel, bones or the heart.

It is also not as effective if looking at the arms, legs, hands and feet. Ultrasound is much better for these.

Meet the team

The service has been developed and is led by Dr Elspeth Whitby who has over 20 years experience of fetal MRI, starting as a research interest and a large part of her PhD. She continues to undertake research in this area whist also offering a clinical service. She has reported over 5000 cases. Elspeth is a senior lecturer at the University of Sheffield and an Honorary Consultant Radiologist at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. Her area of interest both in her clinical practice and research is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the fetus (unborn baby) and placenta. She provides a national service for MRI of the fetus for pregnant women where the detail available from Ultrasound is incomplete or uncertain



The service is also supported by Dr Ashok Raghavan who has an interest in fetal MRI based on his obstetric ultrasound and paediatric radiology experience. He has been involved in reporting fetal MRI at Sheffield for several years.






Physics support, which ensures high quality images, and sequences development, is provided by Mr Andrew Fry, Lead MR Clinical Scientist and Magnetic Resonance Safety Expert.






How to refer patients

Patients can either:

1. attend STHFT for their scan
       a. in which case phone Karen Howard on Tel. 0114 2712183 or e mail a referral letter to or

2. They can be scanned at their local hospital and their images sent for reporting. If this option is chosen
       a. Please contact us to discuss sequences
       b. Help can be given in setting up sequences
       c. Help and support can be given to radiologists wishing to train n fetal MRI – please contact us for more details.


Support and training is offered to interested radiologists wishing to develop a fetal or placental MRI service. Please contact us for further details.

Educational information is available on the BIR website at:

Contact us

To contact the service please use the following options:

Dr. Elspeth Whitby
4th Floor
Jessop Wing
Tree Root Walk
S10 2SF

tel: (0114) 2212183 OR email or