Welcome to our frequently asked questions page. If you have any other questions and they are it listed below, please contact us.
Welcome to our frequently asked questions page. If you have any other questions and they are it listed below, please contact us.
If you need to make or cancel an appointment, please ring reception on 0114 2265877. Please make sure you have enough medication until your next appointment.
If you are travelling abroad and need a letter to ensure you can keep your medication in your hand luggage please call our Reception Team on 0114 2265877. Please give us as much notice of your travel plans as possible.
You will be asked to confirm your contact details, what medication you are currently taking and when you need the letter by. You will be given the option to collect the letter in person from Reception or have it posted to your home address
What should I do if I’m running low on medications?
It is very important that you never run out of medication. Ideally, you should make sure you have enough medication to last until your next appointment. If however you find you are running low and you will run out before your next appointment, please ring the specialist nurses immediately on 0114 2265877. DO NOT leave it until the day you run out. We will either bring your appointment forward or issue a top up prescription. This will usually be for the hospital Boots pharmacy, even if you normally have your medicines delivered.
You can ring the specialist nursing team on 0114 2265877.
You may also call our medicines advice line to ask any questions you may have about your HIV medication, including about side effects, how to take them, and problems with any other medication you are taking. The advice line is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm.
Medicines Advice Line 0114 2714371 or 0114 2713296
For HIV medicines to work effectively, it is important to take them every day and to try and take them at the same time each day. If you realise you have forgotten your medicine, take it as soon as you remember. If you miss more than a day of your treatment, please phone the specialist nurses for advice. You may be asked to come in for a blood test to check there are no problems.
This will depend on what HIV medication you are on and what the new medication is. Some medication that you can get from the GP is not safe to take with HIV medication so it’s always best to check. For advice ring the specialist nurses on 0114 2711882. Remember medication can come in lots of different forms, not just tablets and capsules. Liquids, drops, inhalers, creams, patches, suppositories, injections and herbal/alternative remedies should all be checked out too.
There is a particular interaction between steroids, including inhaled steroids and nasal sprays, and some HIV drugs. Please check with your doctor or nurse if you are worried about this.
An appointment can be arranged through the specialist nursing team. Please talk to your nurse (Telephone: 0114 2711882) if you would like to see the social workers. Or you can call the Social Workers directly on 0114 2734984.
Appointments with the Social Workers can take place at Howden House (1 Union Street, Sheffield S1 2SH), at the hospital clinic, or at peoples’ homes.
A dietitian is often available at the Sheffield HIV clinic. Please ask to see the dietician if you would like help and advice about making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Your doctor or specialist nurse can also arrange a referral to a dietitian.
An appointment with the dietician will take place in the HIV out-patient clinic.
Psychologists use talking therapies. We do not prescribe medication, or carry out physical examinations. By contrast, psychiatrists are trained as medical doctors specialising in mental health and can prescribe medication. It may be helpful for some people to have support from both services.
We will not discuss your diagnosis with anyone without your permission. We work closely as a team and we will write or talk to other health professionals directly involved in your care if we think this would be helpful for you. We will not talk to anyone outside of this department about you without having your consent to do so. However, we would normally keep your GP informed, so they can provide safe medical care for you. If you are concerned about this, please talk to your doctor or nurse.