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Understanding spinal cord injury
A spinal cord injury can be a life-changing event, with far-reaching consequences. Within a few minutes you may lose many abilities you previously would have taken for granted, such as walking, dressing and being able to drive.
Adjusting to life after having a spinal cord injury can be a challenging process. However, how someone copes in the longer term does not depend on their injury, with research showing that the most influential factors tend to be:
- How you perceive your situation
- Belief that you can cope and influence your situation
- Social support
- Meaningful activities (e.g. hobbies)
During your stay with us, our dedicated team of Consultants, Nurses and specialist staff, including Physiotherapists and Dieticians, will work with you and your family to educate you about all aspects of your injury and care so that we can optimise your recovery.
As well as encouraging you and your family to participate as fully as possible in your rehabilitation, we’ll empower you to understand what is most important to you by:
- Providing comprehensive 24/7 nursing and medical care through our specialist multidisciplinary team consisting of Medical Consultants, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Urologists, Nursing Staff, a Radiographer, a Clinical Pharmacist, a Dietician, a Psychologist and a Social Worker
- Engaging you fully with your rehabilitation so that you can make the most of your stay with us so that you can meet the ongoing physical and emotional demands of your rehabilitation
- Work with you every day to improve your skills and confidence so that you can start learning to care for yourself, either independently or with the support of others
- Guiding you and preparing you for the discharge process