Spinal cord injuries can have a profound effect on oral health. Specialist dental services are provided to all our long stay patients.
Our knowledge team are an integral part of the rehabilitation team and attend the unit for 45 sessions per year, usually on a Thursday, to ensure our patients receive high quality dental care.
Patients can be referred by staff, relatives or they can refer themselves to the service.
The specialist dental team:
Aim to make sure that patients are dentally fit when they leave the unit, and:
Provide examination, scaling, fillings, extractions and dentures on the ward
Support staff and patients in maintaining good oral hygiene and give advice on the prevention of oral disease
Provide information to help patients find appropriate dental services in their local area when they are discharged.
Who we are
The dental team also includes the Oral Health Promotion Team who are involved in staff training and supporting patients to maintain good oral health.
The special dentistry service is provided by the Community and Special Care Dentistry Department of Charles Clifford Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
Undergraduate and postgraduate dental trainees can sometimes form part of the specialist dental services team.
For further information about the Community and Special Care Dentistry service in Sheffield follow the links below:
For further information about oral health see our leaflet: Maintaining Oral health Following a Spinal cord Injury