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Community Liaison Team

The Community Liaison team acts as a link between hospital and home, providing ongoing advice, follow-up and support for individuals who have been cared for as inpatients at the Princess Royal Spinal Cord Injuries Centre. We have specific knowledge of spinal cord injury and work collaboratively as part of a multidisciplinary team to plan the complex discharge planning process so that you can live as independently as possible.

What we do

We provide a routine post-discharge follow-up service to all patients who have been cared for at the Princess Royal Spinal Cord Injuries Centre.

During your inpatient stay we will discuss our role with you and ask you how you would prefer to be contacted following your discharge. All conversations will be kept confidential.

When we contact you, you will be encouraged to discuss any issues or concerns that you have about your progress. If you prefer, these conversations can be held with your family or carers.

Our priority is to enhance rather than duplicate existing services, so if we feel that your issue can be dealt with more effectively by another healthcare professional we will discuss this with you first.

When should I contact the Community Liaison team?

We encourage our patients to contact us if they have any concerns or need advice on:

  • Skin care problems
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Bladder/bowel management
  • Work and education information
  • Posture and seating
  • Peer support information
  • Other allied health and nursing issues

How to contact us

The Community Liaison team can be contacted either by telephone or email.If appropriate, we are able to visit you at your place of residence, whether this is at home, in a care home or at hospital.If you require further treatment at our Centre or are on the Centre’s waiting list for readmission, we may also contact you so that we can assess your needs and ensure that you are getting adequate support at home.

Am I eligible for Community Liaison support?

All inpatients with a spinal cord injury at the Princess Royal Spinal Injuries Centre or anyone who has been referred to the Centre for this treatment is eligible for Community Liaison support. Community Liaison support can also be provided to carers or family members when consent from the individual with a spinal cord injury has been obtained.

Support for healthcare professionals

We also offer general advice and information to healthcare professionals who wish to further their knowledge and understanding about how to care for patients with spinal cord injuries.


Tel: 0114 2715618