Personal Wheelchair Budget

If, following your assessment, you are eligible to receive a wheelchair from the NHS, you will be allocated a certain amount of money that is equal to the cost of the wheelchair you have been prescribed. This is called a Personal Wheelchair Budget.

You can accept the wheelchair you have been prescribed at no charge to you – this is the most popular option. However, if you wanted to choose a higher-spec wheelchair from the NHS range, or add extra features to the chair you have been prescribed, you could add a financial contribution to your Personal Wheelchair Budget in order to fund the difference in cost.

You could also choose to use your allocated Personal Wheelchair Budget towards the purchase of a wheelchair from a third party provider. Our clinicians would still need to confirm that the chair meets your clinical needs, but with this option the chair becomes your own property, rather than remaining the property of the NHS.

There are different implications regarding repairs and maintenance depending on which option you choose, but your clinician will be able to explain this in more detail during your assessment. More information can also be found in our Personal Wheelchair Budget information leaflet [link].


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