Sheffield DTM&H course

Course organisers

Professor S T Green Lead Consultant Physician/Honorary Professor

Dr T DeSilva Wellcome Intermediate Clinical Fellow /Honorary Consultant Physician

Dr P Collini Florey Advanced Fellow/ Honorary Consultant Physician

Dr A Lee Senior Clinical University Lecturer ScHARR/Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, PHE

Course administrator

Janet Hanson

Course details

The department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at STH has been teaching the DTM&H for almost 20 years, successfully sending candidates to the LSHTM exam and on to significant careers in Tropical Medicine. In 2015 we combined with four similar courses run in Glasgow, Oxford and Northwick Park Hospital, London the umbrella of the Royal College of Physicians and a new RCP DTM&H.

Format of the Sheffield DTM&H course

The Sheffield course is designed for medical doctors in full time work and involves face-to-face and self-directed learning. The core of the course involves 2 hour long teaching sessions from 6-8pm every Tuesday evening between late August and early March at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital. Included are dedicated tropical microscopy teaching sessions.

The faculty is made up of senior physicians from infectious diseases, microbiology, child health, obstetrics & gynaecology and public health in South Yorkshire along with invited speakers from the fields ranging from tropical ophthalmology to water sanitation.

Self directed learning is crucial to successful learning and topic specific reading material and exercises are provided for preparation in advance of taught seminars.

RCP DTM&H Syllabus

Candidates will be put forward for the Royal College of Physicians UK Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, which is sat in London in April. The exam aims to cover 60% Clinical Tropical Medicine, 25% Public Health, 15% Non-communicable diseases with Maternal and Child health included within these themes.

Enquiries about the course should be directed to Janet Hanson by email




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