Alcohol Care Team

The service will offer a range of services including:
  • Specialist assessment and onward referral.
  • Advice on medication.
  • Brief interventions, motivational interviewing, relapse prevention advice and safe reduction advice.
  • Signposting to other agencies including Likewise and Project 6 Peer Mentor Service, Project 6 Over 50’s Hospital
  • Mentoring Service.
  • Bedside fibroscans.
Opening hours:

• We try to cover midweek 8-8pm, although not always possible.
• Weekends and bank holidays 8-6pm

If you are a patient and feel that you would benefit from our support, ask the team caring for you to make a referral.


Useful resources

Sheffield | Project 6




Likewise – Alcohol dependence (





Al-Anon UK | For families & friends of alcoholics


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