
About Us

Dietitians are HCPC registered Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) that assess, diagnose and treat diet and nutrition problems at an individual and wider public health level. Dietitians interpret the science of nutrition to improve health and treat diseases and conditions by educating and giving practical advice to clients, patients, carers and colleagues. Their advice influences food and health policy across the spectrum from government to local communities and individuals. Dietitians often work as integral members of multi-disciplinary teams to treat complex clinical conditions.

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Dietetic Service

The Dietetic service, encompasses both the acute and community teams, and has approximately 62 staff (51 dietitians, 4 assistants and 7 secretarial staff).

Our Vision

To provide a high quality comprehensive nutrition & dietetic service that promotes excellence and enables service users to achieve their optimal health and well-being.

Where are we now?

The Dietetic Service provides high quality dietetic and nutritional interventions, support and advice. Operating across the hospital sites and in the community it also provides an outreach service for Sheffield patients on home enteral tube feeding and to the renal satellite units in South Yorkshire. The Dietetic Service provides input to patients’ self-management programmes, learning opportunities for staff, and the training of dietetic students through clinical placements.

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