How to find us

Many of our services are located within the Chesterman, which is located in the Northern General Hospital campus. A general guide to getting to the Northern General Hospital can be found here. However, please see below for our detailed guide to getting to the Chesterman below.

Coming to the Chesterman

A general map to the Northern General Hospital, which includes the Chesterman, can be downloaded (PDF) here.

Generally speaking our patients find It is best to approach us from the Barnsley Road entrance.

As you enter the Northern General Hospital through the Barnsley Road entrance, turn right up the hill at the first junction. You will pass the Hadfield and Brearley wings on your left.

Ensure to turn right at this junction to travel towards the Chesterman Wing


Continue to follow the Chesterman signs up the road.

Once you have passed the car park, the Chesterman Wing is on your left.

The Chesterman is just before the Clock Tower building so If you reach the Clock Tower building you have gone too far.

There is a drop-off point directly outside the building.

You can enter via the Chesterman Outpatient Department Entrance or Chesterman Main Entrance and Drop-off Point as pictured below

Front of the Chesterman

Chesterman Main Entrance and Drop-off Point

Chesterman Outpatient Department Entrance


Illustration of directions

Entering via the Hunstman entrance

Alternatively, if you're entering the Hospital through the main Huntsman entrance (next to 'Boots Pharmacy') simply follow the main corridor through Huntsman and Firth eventually arriving at Chesterman.

Car Parking

There is a car park opposite the Chesterman Wing next to the Spinal Injuries Unit.

However due to it's size and location, visitors may prefer to use the larger car park opposite the Hadfield building and then walking up the drive to the unit or walking to the main Huntsman entrance and following the corridor to the Chesterman Wing.

There is a charge for parking, and parking fines are in operation in the hospital grounds.

For full car parking details click here

By public transport

The Hospital is on the Northern side of the city, about 3 miles from the city centre and is served by several bus routes. For up to date public transport in South Yorkshire call Travel line on 01709 515151 or visit or

The H1 Hospital Shuttle Bus Service is a public bus service running between the Royal Hallamshire and Northern General Hospitals. The service operates between 0600 and 1800, with buses leaving from both the bus turning circle (at the end of B Road) at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital and from the turning circle (outside the Clock Tower) at the Northern General Hospital.

The buses run half hourly leaving the termini on the hour and half hour every weekday, with the exception of Bank Holidays. There is no weekend service. The buses travel via Herries Road, Penistone Road, Netherthorpe Road, Western Bank and Glossop Road and will stop, by request, at any stop on the route. The fare for the full journey between the 2 hospitals is £2 and £1 for any part journey.

By medicar or ambulance

If you need a Medicar or Ambulance to get to the Hospital, please telephone the number on your letter. This service is not available to all patients, only those with a medical need.


If you have difficulty understanding English, please tell a member of staff who will arrange this service.


Additional Information

Contact us

For specific contact details of a member of staff or specific service, please try our Meet the Team page or Our Services pages.

For outpatient queries call

0114 271 4047

For Referral Addresses, please click on our Referral Information Page

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