Sheffield Hospitals History Group

Royal Infirmary
Royal Hospital
Northern General Hospital


The Group's aims are to

  • Preserve the history of all Sheffield's former and present day hospitals
  • Collect and preserve artefacts, memories, stories, photographs and items of memorabilia to save them from being lost to future generations
  • Erect displays of interest in display cases and cabinets at various safe locations around the hospitals on both the Northern and Central campuses
  • Attend local history exhibitions from time to time to stimulate interest and knowledge of the history of hospitals in Sheffield
  • Give occasional talks on the history of the hospitals to interested groups

The Group would like to hear from anyone who has memories, memorabilia, artefacts, stories or photos of any of the old Sheffield Hospitals. Perhaps you or members of your family worked there. If you or anyone else you know can help expand our collection then please contact us (see below).


Sue Coulson, Volunteer:

Jessop Hospital for Women
Nether Edge Hospital
Lodge Moor Hospital


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