Pelvic Health Physiotherapy
For more information on how to make an appointment and the nature of our services see our dedicated appointment pages
The Pelvic Health Physiotherapy team aims to prevent or alleviate the physical and emotional stresses of pregnancy and labour, and help the postnatal recovery.
We aim to help women with bladder, bowel and prolapse problems by giving them pelvic floor exercises and advice on healthy bladder and bowels to improve their symptoms and quality of life.
We are all female physiotherapists with specialist training in this area.
Antenatal care Gynaecology Postnatal care
The Treatment Rooms
We treat our women at Jessop Hospital and RHH. You will be informed which hospital to come to when you book your out-patient appointment.
We also treat women on the post natal wards in the first few days after their delivery.
What type of conditions do we treat?
We treat pregnant women with the following conditions:
Antenatal Care
Any video in the list below was produced in line with the Trust’s Covid-19 PPE guidance at the time of filming.
- Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain. Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (PGP) Leaflet
- Back pain. “Back care in pregnancy” leaflet
- Radiating leg pain - often known as Sciatic pain
- Carpal tunnel symptoms. "Carpal tunnel" leaflet
- Diastasis of the rectus abdominus muscle (tummy muscle seperation)
- Stress Urinary Incontinence - leakage of urine on coughing, laughing or exercise
- Over Active Bladder - when you suddenly have to rush to the toilet and sometimes leak before you get there
- Prolapse - a feeling of heaviness or a bulge in the vagina
- We offer group sessions, individual appointments and hydrotherapy
- Mat and Gym ball exercises - video
- Introduction to pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle Pain and Back Pain - video
- Everyday activities - video
- Comfortable positions and postures in pregnancy - video
- Bed mobility - video
- Getting in and out of the car - video
- Pelvic Floor Exercises - video
Any video in the list below was produced in line with the Trust’s Covid-19 PPE guidance at the time of filming.
- Stress urinary incontinence – leakage of urine on coughing, laughing or excercise
- Over active bladder (often called “Urgency”) – when you have to suddenly rush to go to the toilet and you sometimes leak before you get there
- Frequency - when you go to the toilet lot of times in the day or night
- Prolapse – a feeling of heaviness or a bulge in the vagina
- Bowel problems – constipation, urgency, leaking stool (poo) or difficulty controlling wind
- Pelvic pain - vulvodynia, vaginismus and pain with intercourse
- We also see complex MESH patients
- Pelvic Floor Exercises - video
- Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain
- Back pain
- Carpal tunnel symptoms
- Diastasis of the Rectus Abdominus muscle (tummy muscle seperation)
- Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation
- Third & fourth degree tears
- Stress Urinary Incontinence - leakage of urine on coughing, laughing or exercise
- Over Active Bladder - when you suddenly have to rush to the toilet and sometimes leak before you get there
- Prolapse - a feeling of heaviness or a bulge in the vagina
- Bowel problems – constipation, urgency, leaking stool (poo) or difficulty controlling wind
- Painful sex
Leaflets and Further Information