

Within the Trust, there are two Diabetes Centres. These are based on in the A floor of the Clinical Sciences Building (off Barnsley Road Drive) at the Northern General Hospital and on A Floor at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital.
We have a team of specialist nurses, dietitians and podiatrists who provide in-patient and outpatient specialist services to young people and adults with diabetes, as well as structured education and training for any health professionals involved with caring for patients with the condition. We also have an international reputation for clinical research in diabetes

We see and care for patients with a number of conditions which relate to diabetes. These include:

• Painful neuropathy
• Hypoglycaemic unawareness
• Foot ulceration
• Diabetes in pregnancy
• Erectile dysfunction
• Autonomic neuropathy
• Resistant hypertension
• Poor glycaemic controlWeight management

Further information for people living with diabetes

Resource room: information for people living with diabetes 

Patient information videos

A series of short instructional ‘how to’ videos have also been produced by Sheffield Diabetes Dietitians at the Trust showing different ways of carbohydrate counting.

Carbohydrate counting using the Carbs & Cals ‘Carb & Calorie Counter’ book.
Carbohydrate counting using a Carbohydrate Portion List
Carbohydrate counting using a food label
Carbohydrate counting using handy measures

Referral details

e-Referral Service is the preferred method of referral for most services.
Telephone number (0114) 2268680 for new appointments

For more information about this service
Diabetes Centre at the Northern General Hospital
(0114) 271 4445

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