Customer care standards - Podiatry Services


1. You can apply for podiatry treatment and after assessment of your form you will be offered a clinical assessment appointment if suitable. The time frame for this will be dependent of whether you have been assessed as High or Low risk.

2. This treatment is free of charge.

3. You will be offered an appointment (if applicable) within the specified waiting times (details of these are available on request from the head office/patient information folders in clinics/website).

4. When you contact the department staff will introduce themselves.

5. You will be called by your preferred name, which will be respected by the department.

6. You will not be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability or age.

7. You will be treated with courtesy, respect and in a professional manner by all staff.

8. We will give you any information that you require to enable you to choose the treatment that is best for you. We will explain the risks involved with having or declining treatment and any alternative treatments available.

9. You will be treated as an individual, listened to and taken seriously.

10. Your privacy and dignity during treatment will be maintained and we will keep your confidential information safe and secure.

11. We will discuss all relevant aspects of your care with you and involve you in decisions taken about your care.

12. We will aim not to cancel the same appointment twice.

13. If you need to leave a message on the answer machine it will be returned the same or following working day.

14. E-mails and correspondence will be returned within 5 working days.

15. You have the right to complain if you are not happy with any of this service and it will be investigated according to the NHS standards (details are available from the PALS manager/our head office/website or by asking your podiatrist).

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