Recent publications by members of the podiatry service
Fowler Davis S, Farndon L, Harrop D, Nield L, Manson J, Lawrence J, Tang S, Pownall S, Elliott J, Charlesworth L and Hindle L. (2021) A rapid review and expert identification of the Allied Health Professions’ interventions as a contribution to public health outcomes. Public Health in Practice
Thorpe N, Singh R, Chapman H and Farndon L. (2021). Are we getting it right? A review of end-of-life care in community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing.
Nicholls E, Robinson V, Farndon L & Vernon W. (2020). “You don’t like to tell them their job but it’s your foot at the end of the day”: theorising and negotiating ‘resistance’ in clinical encounters. Social Theory & Health https://doi10.1057/s41285-020-00134-0
Reidy, S., Stephenson, J., Smith, F., Otten, E., Wiedemeijer, M., & Curran, M. (2020). The effect of viewing angle on observations of foot orientation in forensic gait analysis. Science and Justice, 60(6), 504-511.
Fowler Davis S, Silvester A, Barnett D, Farndon L & Ismail M (2019) Hearing the voices of older adult patients: processes and findings to inform health services research. Research Involvement & Engagement.
Nicholls E, Robinson V, Farndon L & Vernon W. (2018). ‘A good fit?’ Bringing the sociology of footwear to the clinical encounter in podiatry services: a narrative review. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 11 (9).
Farndon L, Stephenson J, Binns-Hall O, Knight K & Fowler-Davis S. (2018). The PodPAD project: a podiatry-led integrated pathway for people with peripheral arterial disease in the UK – a pilot study. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 11 (26).
Alton S & Farndon L (2018). The impact of community pharmacy led medicines management support for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. British Journal of Community Nursing 23(6):214-219.
Chapman H, Farndon L, Matthews R & Stephenson J. (2018). Okay to Stay? A new plan to help people with long term conditions remain in their own homes. Primary Healthcare Research and Development.
Chapman H, Kilner M, Matthews R, Fowler-Davis S & Farndon L. (2017). Developing a caseload classification tool for community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing 22(4).
Dutton J, Mccaskill K, Alton S, Levesley M, Hemingway C & Farndon L. (2017). Changing roles in community healthcare: Delegation of insulin injections to health care support workers. British Journal of Community Nursing 23(1):248-251.
Wesley Vernon, Neil Simmonite, Sarah Reel, and Selina Reidy. "An investigation into the cause of the inner dark areas and outer lighter areas (ghosting) seen in dynamically-created two-dimensional bare footprints." Science & Justice 57, no. 4 (2017): 276-282.
Binns-Hall, O., Selvarajah, D., Sanger, D., Walker, J., Scott, A., & Tesfaye, S. (2016, June). Combined Retinal/Neuropathy Screening Service: An Effective Model for the Early Detection of Diabetes Distal Symmetrical Polyneuropathy. In DIABETES (Vol. 65, pp. A552-A552).
Farndon LJ, Harle J, Littlewood K, Barnes A, Mook A, Glazebrook J and Batley S. (2016). Referrals received by NHS Podiatry Services: A Survey. Podiatry Now 19(4):10-14.
Farndon LJ. (2016). A demographic evaluation of UK podiatry services. Podiatry Now 19(9): 16-18.
Farndon L, Robinson V, Nicholls E, Vernon W. If the shoe fits: development of an on-line tool to aid practitioner/patient discussions about ‘healthy footwear’. The Journal of Foot and Ankle Research. 2016;9(17).
Stephenson, J., Farndon, L., & Concannon, M. (2015). Analysis of a trial assessing the longterm effectiveness of salicylic acid plasters compared with scalpel debridement in facilitating corn resolution in patients with multiple corns. Journal of Dermatology. doi:10.1111/1346-8138.13203
Farndon, L., Concannon, M., & Stephenson, J. (2015). A survey to investigate the association of pain, foot disability and quality of life with corns. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 8(1). doi:10.1186/s13047-015-0131-4
Stephenson, J., Farndon, L., & Concannon, M. (2015). Analysis of a trial assessing the longterm effectiveness of salicylic acid plasters compared with scalpel debridement in facilitating corn resolution in patients with multiple corns. Journal of Dermatology. doi:10.1111/1346-8138.13203
Birch I., Vernon W, Walker J & Young M, Terminology & Forensic Gait, 2015 (JULY), 55 (4): 279-284
Cockayne S, Vernon W, et al, The REFORM study protocol: a cohort randomised controlled trial of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for the prevention of falls in older people; 2014;doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006977
Birch I., Vernon W., Walker J., Saxelby J., MSc, Advanced Podiatrist (musculoskeletal), “The development of a tool for assessing the quality of closed circuit camera footage for use in forensic gait analysis”, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Vol. 20, 2013, p. 915 – 917.
Farndon LJ, Vernon W, Walters SJ, Dixon S, Bradburn M, Concannon M and Potter J. "The effectivenss of salicylic acid plasters compared with 'usual' scalpel debridement of corns: a randomised controlled trial", The Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2013, 6: 40.
McInnes, AD., Hashmi, F., Farndon, LJ., Church, A., Haley, M., Sanger, DM., Vernon, W. (2012). “Comparison of shoe-length fit between people with and without diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a case-control study” Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 5:9 (16 April)
Farndon, L., Burnside, J., Barnes, A., Littlewood, K., Harle, J., Wheeler, T., Mook, A. (2012). “The effectiveness of core podiatry: A review of the literature” Podiatry Now 15 (5): 14-22
Vernon W., DiMaggio J., Forensic Podiatry: Principles and Methods, Humana Press Jan 2011
Vernon W., Editorial: Prevention of falls through podiatry care, British Medical Journal, Vol. 342, 3052, 16th June 2011
Vernon W., Borthwick A., Walker J., “Foot Problems in the Older Person and their management through podiatry services" Reviews in Clinical Gerontology March 2011
Vernon W., Forensic Podiatry: A short overview, Podiatry Review journal Feb 2011
Vernon W., Clinical Assessment Service for Foot and Ankle Pathway, NHS Evidence, NICE, 23 Dec 2010.Reel S., Rouse
S., Vernon W., Doherty P., ‘Reliability of a Two-Dimensional Footprint Measurement Approach’, Science and Justice Vol. 50, 2010, p. 133-118.
Vernon W., "The Healthy Footwear Guide", Podiatry Now, Vol. 12, No. 5, May 2009, p. 35.
Borthwick A.M., Nancarrow S.A., Vernon W., Walker J., “Achieving professional status? Australian podiatrists’ perceptions”, Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, Vol. 2, No. 4, 13th Feb 2009, p. 1-18
Farndon L, Barnes A, Littlewood K, Harle J, Beecroft C, Burnside J, Wheeler T, Morris S, Walters SJ (2009). “Clinical audit of core podiatry treatment in the NHS” Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 2:7 (13 March)
Vernon W., The Delphi Technique: A Review, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, Vol. 16 No., 2, Feb 2009, p. 69 – 76.
Vernon W., Teleconferencing in Podiatry in Hong Kong: Report to Allan Brooking Fellowship, 2008.
Vernon W., “The future of the Podiatry Profession Podiatry Now, Sept. 2008, p. 23-26