Take part in research 

We are involved in local, national and international research, benefitting patients both locally and across the world. Without volunteers, advances in healthcare would not be possible, and research benefits all patients not just those taking part in trials.

If you are interested in taking part in clinical research studies and trials, there are several ways you can get involved:

  1. Talk to your GP, consultant or healthcare practitioner about any trials that may be suitable for you. You don't necessarily have to be a patient to take part in a research study - you may just need to give a blood sample or fill out a simple questionnaire
  2. Shape our research - join one of our patient advisory panels to make sure that our trials and studies provide maximum to people's lives
  3. Search for a trial or study currently recruiting patients on the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) website or email sth.getinvolved@nhs.net

We run numerous studies for patients covering a wide range of conditions and also provide opportunities for 'healthy volunteers' - people who are interested in contributing towards research but are generally healthy or do not have the condition or disease being investigated - to get involved in research.

Here are some of our currently recruting studies:

Generation study

Babies born in South Yorkshire are being tested for genetic conditions as part of a national study aimed at spotting rare genetic disorders. The study is being run at Jessop Wing and aims ims to identify rare, treatable conditions shortly after birth.


The EXPErimental medicine Route To Success in ALS (EXPERTS-ALS) project aims to rapidly screen potential drugs for evidence that they can slow down damage to the nervous system occurring in people with motor neuron disease.


The Oceanic (One-Stop Screening And Intensified Care) trial is a smart tech initiative to reduce the risk of nerve damage in people living with type 2 diabetes.



Triceps stroke trial

People who had a stroke less than ten years ago being invited to take part in Triceps, a groundbreaking trial testing if a innovative treatment can help improve hand and arm function. 

Assessing a New Treatment Concept for Endometriosis

Jessop Wing are looking for women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis to take part in ACERS (Assessing a New Treatment Concept for Endometriosis), a clinical trial investigating a non-hormonal treatment for endometriosis.


GUSTO is testing if advanced bladder cancer treatments can be personalised to different genetic subtypes of the disease rather than through a ‘one-size fits all approach’.