What formats are available?

The following alternative formats are available on request:

  • Braille
  • Large print
  • Easy read
  • Other languages

Other specialist formats may also be available.

Who can get help?

We can provide information in other formats if:

  • you have a disability or communication support need and aren't able to understand our standard information
  • you are a current Sheffield Teaching Hospital's patient

Unfortunately we are unable to provide information in other formats to patients or staff at other hospitals. Similar arrangements should be in place locally.

Who should I speak to?

You should speak to the department who is providing your care and tell them that you need information in another format.

Contact details can be found at the top of your appointment letter. Alternatively you can contact the department by calling the hospital switchboard on 0114 243 4343.

Ideally you should contact the department before your appointment so that they have time to prepare any necessary information for you.

If you are unsure which department is providing your care or have other concerns about your appointment you should contact the Patient Services Team on 0114 271 2400 or email sth.pals@nhs.net.

How long will it take?

We do not routinely hold information in other formats so please allow time for your request to be handled. Most alternative formats are provided by our interpreting and translation provider so this may take a few days to arrange.

Patient videos

You may find our videos of interest.  We have over 400 available some of which are in British Sign Language.  Most of our videos have the option to display subtitles if you have difficulty hearing.

Video library

Patient leaflets

Most of our leaflets can be read aloud using the built in screen reader at the top of the page. You can find most leaflets on our leaflet library.

Leaflet library


Additional Information

New Patient Videos

Visit our new video library to find out more about your health condition, care and hospital services.

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