Discharge Lounge, Brearley Outpatients

When you are ready to leave the Northern General Hospital, you may move into our Discharge Lounge whilst you wait to be collected by a relative or other transport.

Nurses is the Discharge Lounge can provide you with hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and snacks whilst we are getting your medication ready to take away with you. There is a TV and puzzle packs available to pass the time.

Your relative/ transport can park right outside the Lounge for free. Our staff will help you to the vehicle if you need support.

The Discharge Lounge  is open 8am – 8pm, Monday to Friday.

From 8th August 2023 the Discharge Lounge will be moving to the Orthopaedic Clinic (on B floor of Firth Wing) whilst works begin to improve the facility. If you need to collect a relative during this time please drive to Huntsman Outpatients 1 (point 6 on the site map).

 A full detailed map of Northern General Hospital can be found by clicking here


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