Patient Information Leaflets: View all, by specialty

Surgery - Day Case
Anti-embolism stockings: While you are in hospital and after you leave [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Caring for your surgical wound: discharge advice [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following a hernia repair [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following a knee arthroscopy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following an orchidectomy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following anal fissurectomy (Day Surgery Unit) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following anti-reflux surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following bladder tumour resection [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following circumcision [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following cystoscopy / biopsy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following examination under anaesthetic and anal surgery (Day Surgery Unit) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following excision of epididymal cyst or hydrocele [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following excision of rectal polyp (Day Surgery Unit) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following excision pilonidal sinus (Day Surgery Unit) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following fistula in ano (Day Surgery Unit) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following frenuloplasty [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following grommets (Day Surgery Unit) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following haemorrhoidectomy / HALO procedure [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Haemorrhoidectomy / Stapled haemorrhoidectomy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Hernia repair under local anaesthetic [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
On the day of your operation (Bev Stokes, Northern General) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
On the day of your operation (Day Case Unit, Royal Hallamshire) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
On the day of your operation (Ward P2, Royal Hallamshire) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Urethral dilation [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Varicose vein surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
What is a split thickness skin graft? [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]

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