Patient Information Leaflets: View all, by specialty

Psychological Services
Burns unit psychological service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Clinical neuropsychology services [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Coping with stress following a major incident [NHS England]
Dealing with difficult feelings after a traumatic event [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dealing with flashbacks after a traumatic event [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dealing with sleep problems after a traumatic event [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Developing the psychology service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Disclosure of sexual assault [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Emotional care following an abortion [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Functional symptoms [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Jessop wing neonatal unit psychological service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Neurology psychotherapy service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Neurology psychotherapy service: Confidentiality agreement [Neuroscience, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Non-epileptic attacks: A short guide for patients and families [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Pain clinic psychological service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Physical ill health– taking care of your emotional health [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological service for hearing, balance and tinnitus problems [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological service in breast services [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological service in diabetes care [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological services for adults with haematological cancer [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological services for people living with HIV [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological services for young people [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological services for young people and adolescents with diabetes [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological services in adult cystic fibrosis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychological services in head and neck cancer [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychology and amputation / congenital limb deficiency [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Psychology and spinal cord injury [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Renal psychology service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Sexual health Sheffield psychology service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Specialised mesh complications Psychology Service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Support with making a decision about a pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Taking control of your functional symptoms [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Taking control of your non-epileptic attacks [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Termination of pregnancy service (ToPS): Referral, hospital visits and treatment pathway [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
The birth in mind psychology service [Psychological Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
The epilepsy psychotherapy service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Vulvodynia psychology service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Welcome to the neurology psychotherapy service (NPS): For new referrals to the service [Neuroscience, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Wellbeing after an abortion: Common experiences, self-help and support [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]

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