Patient Information Leaflets: View all, by specialty

Podiatric Surgery
Advice about your footwear (diabetes) [Scottish Diabetes Group]
Calcaneal bone graft harvest for use in arthrodesis procedures [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Cartiva joint resurfacing for the treatment of degenerative toe joints [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Cheilectomy for the correction of an arthritic big toe [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Closing wedge osteotomy for the correction of deviated toes [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Digital amputation: For the correction of cross over toe deformity [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Excision of skin lesions for the treatment of intractable plantar keratosis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Fifth metatarsal osteotomy: For the correction of Tailor's bunion deformity [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
First metatarsocuneiform joint arthrodesis for the treatment of midfoot osteoarthritis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
First metatarsophalangeal joint fusion: For the treatment of an arthritic big toe [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Foot health and diabetes (low risk) [Scottish Diabetes Group]
Foot or ankle surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Footwear advice following surgery: Which footwear should I wear after my surgery? [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Ganglion / cyst aspiration for the treatment of painful ganglion cysts [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Hallux interphalangeal joint arthrodesis for the treatment of degenerative joint changes to the big toe [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Holiday feet (diabetes) [Scottish Diabetes Group]
Implant arthroplasty: For the treatment of an arthritic big toe [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Kellers excisional arthroplasty for the correction of an arthritic big toe [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Kessel bonney decompression osteotomy for the correction of an arthritic big toe [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Kidner procedure for the treatment of accessory navicular [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Lapidus procedure and Akin osteotomy (bunion surgery) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Lesser MTPJ implant arthroplasty for the treatment of degenerative lesser toe joints [Musculo-skeletal Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Lesser toe sequential repair: For the correction of lesser toe deformity [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Looking after your diabetic foot ulcer [Scottish Diabetes Group]
Midfoot exostectomy for dorsal midfoot exostosis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Neurectomy– Treatment for Morton [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Partial plantar fasciotomy for the treatment of recalcitrant plantar fasciitis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Plaster cast advice following foot surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Post-operative advice following foot surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Pre-operative advice for foot surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Regional anaesthesia in podiatric surgery: Ankle and popliteal anaesthetic blocks [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Rehabilitation advice following foot surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Removal of exostosis (bony bump) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Removal of fixation devices to reduce irritation [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Removal of soft tissue‘lumps and bumps’ [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Risks and complications associated with foot and ankle surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Scarf and akin osteotomy: For the correction of bunions [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Schwartz osteotomy for the treatment of central metatarsalgia [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Silver's bunionectomy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Steroid advice [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Talonavicular joint arthrodesis for the treatment of midfoot arthritis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Terminal symes amputation: For the treatment of apical toe pain [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
The charcot foot (diabetes) [Scottish Diabetes Group]
Venous thromboembolism (blood clots) following foot and ankle surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Weil osteotomy for the treatment of metatarsalgia [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
What is a Darco toe alignment splint [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]

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