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Patient Information Leaflets: View all, by specialty
Advanced obstetric care unit (AOCU) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Anaemia in pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Anaesthesia in breastfeeding mothers [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Antenatal and postnatal Perineal Massage [Maternity Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Antenatal wards [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Ask, advise, act - Take 30 seconds to save a life [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Aspirin in pregnancy [Tommy's]
Baby equipment list - what do I need for my baby? [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
BCG vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) [NHS website]
Birthing partners in theatre []
Blood spot tests (Easy Read) [Public Health England]
Born in Sheffield [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Bottle feeding your baby (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Breastfed babies and formula milk [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Breastfeeding (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Breastfeeding (Videos) [Unicef UK]
Breastfeeding and going back to work [NHS website]
Breastfeeding for mothers with diabetes [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Breastfeeding is going well when..... How to know that your baby is getting enough milk [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Breech baby [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
BSL communication support during pregnancy and birth [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Caesarean birth advice and information []
Caring for you following a Covid-19 positive test [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Child car seats: the law []
Chlamydia in pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Common infectious illnesses [BLISS]
Congratulations on the birth of your baby [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Coronavirus covid-19: Virus infection and pregnancy [Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists]
D negative mother's blood test to check her unborn baby's blood group [NHS Blood and Transplant]
Developing diabetes in pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Diabetes and pregnancy card [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Diabetes, contraception and planning a pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Diabetic retinopathy and pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Did you know e-cigarettes can help you quit smoking? [Maternity Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Entonox [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Epidural information card [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Expectant management of miscarriage [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Expressing breast milk for babies who require surgery after birth [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
FAQs Your anaesthetic for Caesarean section [Obstetric Anaesthetists Association]
Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well [Tommy's]
Female genital mutilation - helping you to protect girls [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
For you... you and your newborn baby [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Formula feeding plan for parents [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
From bump to breastfeeding [Best Beginnings]
Giving birth after a third or fourth degree tear [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Going home after a caesarean section [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy and newborn babies [Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists]
Hand expressing (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Hand expressing colostrum in pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Having a baby - your choices [Department of Health]
Having a baby before 30 weeks: Magnesium sulphate as protection against cerebral palsy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Having a cervical stitch [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Having a glucose tolerance test (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Having a glucose tolerance test when you are pregnant [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Having an ultrasound scan (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Having the right vaccinations during pregnancy (Video) [Health and Care Videos]
Having your baby at home [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
How to hand express your breast milk [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Impact of secondhand smoke [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Impact of smoking in pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Induction of labour [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Infant feeding for parents [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Information after ventouse and forceps birth [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Information for breastfeeding mothers being admitted to hospital [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Information for mothers expecting twins [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Labour first stage (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Labour ward assessment area (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Large for gestational age [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Looking at your baby's hearing (Easy Read) [Public Health England]
Looking at your baby's heart, eyes, hips and testicles (balls) (Easy Read) [Public Health England]
Low-lying placenta [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Maternity care record cover [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
MRSA screening at the Jessop wing [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Newborn hearing screening: Your baby’s visit to the audiology clinic [NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme]
Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis [Public Health England]
Nicotine patch (pregnant women) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Obstetric cholestasis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Off to the best start– breastfeeding [Department of Health]
Pain relief in labour (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Pain relief in labour: How do the different options compare? [Labour Pains]
Pain relief in labour: Translations []
Partners of women in theatre (poster) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Partners or companions staying overnight on level 3 wards [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Perinatal mental health awareness: Antenatal education (Video) [NHS England]
Perinatal mental health awareness: Postnatal education (Video) [NHS England]
Perineal health in pregnancy, birth and beyond [Royal College of Midwives, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, The Health Foundation]
Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Planning for a healthy pregnancy: Pre-conception advice after pregnancy loss [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Platelet group and antibodies in pregnancy [Blood Transfusion]
Polycystic ovary syndrome [Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists]
Post-natal exercises [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Postnatal wards [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Pregnancy and diet [British Dietetic Association]
Preparing for your caesarean birth [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes (PPROM) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Prevention of venous thrombosis when you have a baby [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Protecting your baby from low blood glucose [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Reduce the risk of cot death: Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) [NHS]
Release of human tissue [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Remifentanil patient controlled analgesia (PCA) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Responsive bottle feeding [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Risks of regional anaesthesia (epidurals and spinals) and general anaesthesia explained [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Ruptured membranes before the start of labour (after 37 weeks) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Safer sleep for babies (The Lullaby Trust) [The Lullaby Trust]
Screening for down's syndrome, edwards' syndrome and patau's syndrome: Easy Read [Public Health England]
Screening for eye problems for pregnant women with diabetes: Easy Read [Public Health England]
Screening for hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis: Easy Read [Public Health England]
Screening for problems with the baby's body: Easy Read [Public Health England]
Screening for sickle cell disease and thalassaemia: Easy Read [Public Health England]
Screening tests for you and your baby [Public Health England]
Screening tests for you and your baby: Arabic [Public Health England]
Screening tests for you and your baby: Punjabi [Public Health England]
Secondhand smoke in the home [Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group]
Secondhand smoke is toxic [Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group]
Shaping your maternity journey: Born in Sheffield [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Sheffield Maternity Voices - Flyer [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Smokefree Homes Commitment Card [Maternity Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Staying healthy in pregnancy (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Sterilising baby feeding equipment [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Sterilising baby feeding equipment (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Support with reducing milk production after a pregnancy loss [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Surgical site surveillance: Monitoring surgical wounds for infection [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Syphilis: information for pregnancy [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Taking a sample of your blood (Video) [Health and Care Videos]
The Jessop Wing Feto Maternal Unit [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
The Tommy's Pathway: Clinical decision support tool [Maternity Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Thinking of getting pregnant? [Public Health England]
Third or fourth degree tear [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Unicef UK baby friendly initiative: Hand expressing (Video) [UnicefUK]
Unicef UK baby friendly initiative: Meeting baby for the first time (Video) [Unicef UK]
Using water for labour and birth [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Vitamin D [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
What is CMV and how can it be passed on? [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Your baby needs a repeat heel prick test [Public Health England]
Your pregnancy and baby guide (NHS website) [NHS]
Your pregnancy guide [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Your routine blood tests (Video) [Health and Care Videos]
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