Patient Information Leaflets: View all, by specialty

Dental Services
A cinnamon and benzoate free diet for orofacial granulomatosis [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Advice following oral surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Advice following tooth removal [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Advice on your new dentures [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Advice to help with your jaw joint and jaw muscles [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
After seeing the dentist (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Angular cheilitis (stomatitis) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Beclometasone dipropionate 100mg metered spray [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Betamethasone (Betnesol) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Bisphosphonate and other antiresorptive medications: Dental advice [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Care of cuts and lacerations [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Caring for a bite raising appliance [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Charles Clifford dental hospital: How to find us [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Cheekbone (zygoma) and/or eye socket (orbit) fracture surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Chlorhexidine: Information leaflet [Community Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Chronic hyperplastic candidosis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Cinnamon and benzoate free diet recipes [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Clinical photography and video recording [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Day case oral surgery at the Royal Hallamshire hospital [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dental anxiety management service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dental care for students [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dental extractions under general anaesthetic [South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Acute Federation]
Dental implants [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dental Practice Unit map [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dental student patient advice [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dental treatment under general anaesthetic [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Dental X-rays [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Denture related stomatitis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Directions to pharmacy on foot [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following dental extractions [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge advice following dental extractions for patients with bleeding disorders [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Discharge from community and special care dental service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Domiciliary service [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Effects of smoking on the mouth [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Erythema multiforme [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Exercises to improve jaw control [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Facial implants [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Facial palsy [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Flixonase nasules: (Nasal drops, fluticasone propionate) 400 micrograms/unit dose (Children and Young People) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Fluoride varnish: What you need to know [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
General anaesthesia for dentistry [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
General anaesthetic for dental treatment - Easy Read [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Geographic tongue [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Guidelines for patients after skin surgery (Charles Clifford Dental hospital) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Help available for your visit to the dentist [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
How can alcohol affect my mouth? [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
How to keep your mouth clean when you have sore ulcers [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
In the dentist room (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Infective endocarditis - what you can do to avoid it [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Inhalation sedation [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Inhalation sedation [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Inhalation sedation: a guide for children and teenagers (Charles Clifford) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Inhalation sedation: a guide for children and young people [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Instructions for fixed appliances [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Instructions for removable appliances [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Instructions for using disclosing tablets [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Intravenous sedation [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Intravenous sedation [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Intravenous sedation at the dentist - Easy Read [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Intravenous sedation: Information for escorts [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Jaw joint problems [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Jaw relaxation technique [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Local anaesthetic (Charles Clifford Dental Hospital) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Looking after your child [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Lower jaw (mandible) fracture surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Maintaining oral health [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Maintaining oral health following a spinal cord injury [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Managing dietary re-introduction on a cinnamon and benzoate free diet [Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust]
Masseter massage [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Median rhomboid glossitis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Miconazole oral gel 24mg/mL [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Moving on to adult dental services: Transition [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
My silver tooth (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
My visit to the dentist (Easy Read) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Nerve injury [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Nystatin oral suspension 100,000 units/ml [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Oral chronic graft-versus-host disease [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Oral submucous fibrosis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Oral thrush or pseudomembranous candidosis [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Oral ulcer diary: for children [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Oro-antral communication [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Orthognathic (jaw) surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Orthognathic Clinic [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Outreach teaching dental clinic [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Paediatric dentistry: New patient appointment [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Paediatric intravenous sedation: at Sheffield Children's Hospital [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Periodontal disease [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Periodontal surgery (gum surgery) [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Post-operative instructions after dental treatment under general anaesthetic [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Postoperative instructions following periodontal surgery [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Prednisolone soluble 5mg tablets as mouth wash [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Private patient payment information [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Removable retainer– information and consent [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Root canal treatment (endodontics) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Root canal treatment for children [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Seeing the school dentist now and beyond: Transition [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Sheffield community and special care dentistry [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Sialography [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Signs of endocarditis [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) liquid treatment [British Society of Paediatric Dentistry]
Tacrolimus (Protopic) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Temporalis massage [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Temporomandibular disorders [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
The maxillofacial trauma clinic [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Third molar (wisdom teeth) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Tooth / teeth extraction [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Tooth extraction [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Treatment by Students in Restorative Dentistry [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Treatment for children with poorly formed enamel on their front teeth [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Treatment of facial palsy with botulinum toxin (Botox) [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Useful information about Carbamazepine [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Your elastics [Dental Services, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]
Your surgical orthodontic treatment [Sheffield Teaching Hospitals]

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