My Pathway FAQs

Why have I been contacted by MyPathway?

As you have been a patient at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, your record has been added to this organisation. If you have provided us with an email address or mobile telephone number, you will receive an electronic invitation (unless you have opted out of digital communications from the Trust). Otherwise, you will receive a invitation letter through the post.

When you attend an appointment, we will ask you to confirm your NHS number, date of birth and current address to ensure that the details held at the Trust are up to date.

Do I have to sign up? 

No, it is entirely voluntary and will not affect your care. You will continue to receive information in the original format that you have already agreed to. If you do not wish to sign up to MyPathway, you can just ignore the invitation.

How will I be notified of new information in my record?

You will be sent an email to the email address you provided when you registered or you will receive an in-app notification if you have notifications enable for the MyPathway app.

What information will be in my record?

You will be able to see any appointments that you have at the hospital along with any resources that your clinician feels would be of benefit to you. Although this does not currently include radiology, oncology or maternity appointments and some community appointments. 

The trust is working hard on adding more clinical correspondence into the app such as radiology appointment letters, and other clinical letters during 2024.

Is my information safe and confidential?

MyPathway is a secure system which makes sure that the information is safe and kept confidential. We are using a company called VitalHub who have developed the MyPathway application. It has been approved for use in the UK by NHS England and has also been approved by the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Data Protection Officer. 

Information is only shared within your clinical care team. Information given by a patient is not shared with their carer unless they give consent and vice versa. The only time information might be shared without your consent is in the very unlikely event that the team thinks serious harm might occur if they do not share this information. We will always try to talk to you first in this situation. 

Do I need internet access to use the app?

Yes as this is an online service and will require you to have regular internet access to receive your appointment timeline and resources. You can access MyPathway via the app or in a web browser via this link

Why is my timeline empty?

Some patients may not have any information in their records when they first register however this will change over time as you visit the hospital for treatment. 

Do I have to pay for this service?

No, there is no cost to you. Using the app will help us to reduce costs such as paper and postage which can be reinvested to provide better care.

Do I need an email address to register? 

Yes. you can only use one unique email address per registration e.g. you can’t use a family shared email if your family/friend already uses that email for their MyPathway account. 

I share an email with another person, how can I register? 

Emails need to be unique per patient – they cannot be shared across patients (i.e. the same email cannot be used for a parent and a child). Each patient requires an individual email. 

My information on the app is incorrect

Please contact the Trust by emailing the incorrect information. This will then be updated in the portal records. 

Why can’t I see my appointment information?

For some patients unfortunately your service may not be live with MyPathway because they use an alternative appointment booking system outside of the Trusts’ Patient Administration System (PAS). We are working hard with these services to see if we can, Radiology appointments are not yet included. 

Why can't I see any data for a young person/child? 

Data is only available for patients over the age of 16. Therefore our Neonatal, Paediatric and some Orthodontic Patients will not be invited. 

Who do I contact for any other issues or queries relating to the app? 

For technical support or more information please email the MyPathway support team at