Car parking

There is parking available at the Hallamshire Hospital, Jessop Wing, Weston Park and Northern General Hospital, however at busy times spaces can be limited so please allow yourself extra time to find a parking space. We operate a pay & display parking system and prices are below.

Please bring plenty of change as a Pay and Display Parking system is in operation. Parking charges currently are:

Table of parking costs

Northern General

Royal Hallamshire

Weston Park 

Jessop Wing

Up to 4 hours - £2.80

Up to 11 hours - £4

Between 18:00 – 07:00 - £2.80

Weekends - £2.80

0-2 hours - £2.80

2-4 hours - £4

4-24 hours - £9

Lost ticket - £9

0-2 hours - £2.80

2-4 hours - £4

4-11 hours - £9

Between 18:00 - 06:00 - £2.80

0-2 hours - £2.80

2-4 hours - £4

4-11 hours - £9

Between 18:00 - 06:00 - £2.80

Car parking app

Evology Parking AppYou can use the Evology Parking App to pay for parking in any of our car parks. Download from the Apple App store or Google Play. After creating an account and filling in the payment method, simply select the car park you are parked in and choose your parking time. You can extend your parking time remotely from your mobile if you need to stay longer.

The new app will be available to use at the Northern General Hospital, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Weston Park and Jessop Wing.

Drop off areas are available

If you are brought into hospital by another driver they are welcome to drop you off outside the department you are visiting and then park in a designated parking area.

Disabled car parking

Disabled car parking spaces are available near the main entrances to all our hospitals. Blue Badge Holders park free of charge if a valid blue badge is displayed.

Contact the Facilities Department by telephone 0114 2266353 or email  if you have any queries.

How to apply

Simply download a Concessions Application Form here or email: for one to be sent to you.

Alternatively, please ask for a copy from the ward in which you are being treated or pick one up from the Main Reception areas within the trust hospitals.

Please Note: Your application form will require a signature from a member of the ward team responsible for your care. Once you have the signature and have completed the form, please send it to the Facilities Team at for approval.

If successful you will receive a parking pass to be displayed in your car when attending appointments.

Parking concessions
Hospital site applicable You may be eligible for a parking concession, with the following; Concession criteria Concession support or hospital delays

All sites






A Blue Badge holder






Free parking is available to all patient and/or visitors throughout the duration of their attendance at, or visit to the hospital.

Parking is allowed in bays with a recognised disability symbol or in any parking space if a disabled bay is not available.

Blue Badge must be on display in vehicle at all times to prevent a parking notice.

Standard Local authority blue badge application process applies.





All sites










Free parking available
For the following;

Frequent outpatient attenders

Including chemotherapy and radiotherapy appointments







You will be required to pay the car parking fee for your first appointment.

Free parking will be provided to all out-patients who attend hospital for an appointment at least three times within a month and for an overall period of at least three months. A ‘month’ is defined as a period of 30 days.

You should complete an application form and if deemed eligible you will be sent a parking pass which should be displayed in your car on subsequent visits.

Applications may be for your own vehicle or the person providing support and attending with you at the time of your appointment


All sites



Palliative care appointments

Free parking following successful application and receipt of parking pass.

The parking pass must be displayed in your vehicle at all times whilst in the car parking facility.



All sites





Visitors of dying patients
(last days/hours of life)

Free parking following successful application and receipt of parking pass for all remaining appointments.


The parking pass must be displayed in your vehicle at all times whilst in the car parking facility





You should complete an application form which needs to be supported by the team providing end of life care. On receipt of the form, you will be sent a parking pass which should be displayed in your car on subsequent visits.

Applications may be for your own vehicle or the person providing support and attending with you at the time of your visits.

All sites








Bereavement appointments

Free parking following successful application and receipt of parking pass.






The parking pass must be displayed in your vehicle at all times whilst in the car parking facility.







The Bereavement officer supporting the patients representative can assist with requests directly

Northern General Hospital
0114 2714049
0114 2714866
0114 2714555

Royal Hallamshire Hospital
And Weston Park Hospital

0114 2712358

Jessop Wing
0114 2268425

All sites










On a Low income or receiving benefits

Details of the benefits which are eligible to make a claim against are available from the Cashiers department on telephone number 0114 2712545






Re-imbursement for car parking tickets can be claimed to a maximum of £2 if you are eligible.









You are expected to approach the Cashiers office at the end of your appointment. Arrangements are in place that allow for this to be at the end of each visit or series of appointments.

Applications must be made with an up to date document to confirm your low income/benefit status. This must be a complete document for the claim to be valid.

Applications cannot be processed at the Cashiers department more than three months after your appointment. After this time you would have to complete a form HC5 (available in the Cashiers department) and claim by post.

All sites




Outpatient appointments

Exceed four hours due to hospital delays



You will be required to pay a single payment up to the charge of four hours from the pay & display machines.

After this period of time you will be able to request a form from the Outpatient team to prevent further payment being required for the time spent in the car parking facility.

A standard form is available from the outpatient team. This form must then be shown to the car park attendant to prove no further payment is required on the single visit.

Applications may relate to either your own vehicle or the person providing support and attending with you at the time of the appointment.

All sites





Inpatient visitors

Visiting a patient who has been in the hospital over 3 weeks




Standard parking fees are applicable for the first three weeks of visiting. After a patient has been an in-patient for three weeks you can then put in an application for a visitors pass.

You would then be required to pay a
reduced cost of £8.50 each week for the remainder of the time you are visiting an in-patient.


Northern General Hospital


Royal Hallamshire

Visitors to Intensive care areas and palliative care areas





Standard parking fees are applicable on the first time of visiting.

After a patient has been admitted then the visitor would then be required to pay a reduced cost of £6.40 each week for the remainder of the time you are visiting an in-patient.

This rate is applicable on all sites.

Northern General Hospital


Renal patients

Attending dialysis appointments


Concessionary parking applies following successful application and receipt of parking pass.

Parking passes are subject to annual review

Jessop Wing Hospital Visitors to Neonatal ward Free parking following completed application form and receipt of parking pass.