Media Enquiries
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust response to the charges brought against a Theatre nurse who worked at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital (updated 8th December 2021)
During office hours, all media enquiries should be directed to the Communications Team by emailing:
If your enquiry is urgent please contact: Julie Phelan, Communications Director on 07507888647.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and our increased infection prevention control measures, we are not currently allowing any filming or photography/interviews inside our buildings.
In certain circumstances we can arrange filming/photography and interviews outside. Please contact the Communications team to make arrangements before coming on site.
Outside office hours a member of the team will be on-call to deal with enquiries from journalists. The on-call member can be contacted via switchboard on 0114 243 4343 or by emailing:
Condition checks
Patient condition checks should be referred to the Communications Team on the above numbers. Please do not contact the wards direct.
Only a brief indication of the progress of the patient will be given, such as the patient is critical, serious or stable. Condition checks cannot be provided unless you have the name, address and or date of birth of the person.
Please note that with requests for patient information the Communications Team first needs to seek consent from the patient/relatives. Without consent, no patient information can be released.
Major incidents
Should a major incident occur, updates will be recorded on a voice bank and published on this website. Media colleagues can then dial into this number which will be made available on this page during a major incident.