Media Enquiries
Currently all media enquiries should be directed to the Communications Team by telephoning: 07507888647 or email:

The Communications team is responsible for media relations on behalf of the Trust. We work with journalists in print, TV, radio and online. As well as responding to media enquiries, the team can arrange interviews with healthcare experts.
During office hours, all media enquiries should be directed to the Communications team by telephoning 07507888647 or emailing

For urgent enquiries out of hours please ring the hospital switchboard on 0114 243 4343 and ask for the communications on-call team member.
Alternatively you can email and you will receive a response from the team as soon as possible.

Patient condition checks should be referred to the Communications Team.
Please do not contact the wards direct or departments. You will need to have the name, date of birth or address for the person you are making the enquiry about before we can then seek permission from the patient to give any details. Without consent, no patient information can be released.
Only a brief indication of the progress of the patient will be given, such as the patient is critical, serious or stable.

Should a major incident occur, the hospital will make arrangements to accommodate the media where appropriate and provide regular statements throughout the incident.

We have many national and international experts who are happy to to work with the media.
There are a number of areas for which we are well known and can provide expert commentators.
Members of the media who would like to talk to speak to one of our experts should contact the Communications team in the first instance who will arrange interviews/filming opportunities.

The Trust receives many requests for documentary and location filming. All proposals will be considered and accommodated where possible.
Please contact the Communications team with details of your proposal.

We respect patient confidentiality and follow strict rules in this respect. We will not give out any information about a patient unless we are given permission from the individual or their next of kin.
All requests for patient interviews or photographs must be made through the Communications team.
Freedom of Information requests should be made to:
Department for Information Governance, Caldicott and SIRO Support
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
2 Claremont Place
S10 2TB