COVID-19 Booster vaccination update following the Prime Minister’s announcement

You may have seen in the media that everyone aged 18 and over is to be offered a COVID-19 booster vaccination over the coming weeks. The NHS is just putting in place plans to be able to do this and just like with the first vaccinations, people will be called forward starting with those who are classed as clinically extremely vulnerable and then in age groups. By doing it in stages, it means we can have enough staff and appointments for people to be vaccinated quickly and without long queues. We are hoping to have more information in the next couple of weeks once plans are finalised and so we would ask you not to call the hospital or GP practices at this time because we do not have any further information to give you just yet. You will be contacted by the NHS once you are eligible to have your booster jab. We will also provide further updates once we know more.

40 years old or over?

If you are aged 40 or over and if it has been 6 months since your 2nd vaccination you can already have your booster jab. You simply need to click this link or call 119 free of charge to book an appointment. Appointments are available at a number of centres across South Yorkshire including GP led sites, Community Pharmacies, some hospital sites and the Sheffield NHS Vaccination Centre, Longley Lane, Sheffield S5 7JN which is open Monday-Sunday 8.30am to 6.30pm. Free parking and friendly NHS staff.

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