5 May 2020
To request an update on patients during this time of limited visiting, please call 0114 2267167. This must be done by the patients next of kin, or one other identified relative.
The nursing team will then call the relative back the same day with an update on their loved ones condition and this person can then act as the main contact to share this with any wider family.
The relative support line will be open seven days a week from 9am to 6pm and is available for patients with or without COVID-19. The only exception for this is patients on critical care where we ask that relatives continue to liaise with critical care staff for any updates.
To send a message to a loved one or friend in hospital please email sth.keepingintouch@nhs.net.
The inbox will be checked seven days a week and any messages and photos will be printed and delivered to the patient within 24 hours.
Quaran cubes can be also be requested by relatives if they feel this would be helpful by speaking to ward staff.
Important information about maternity appointments:
Please attend your routine antenatal care appointment at the Jessop Wing as planned if you are well.
To help limit the spread of Coronavirus please:
• Come to your antenatal appointment alone (to allow for better social distancing we are not permitting visitors, other than one person in labour who must be well)
• If you have a fever or new persistent cough or are in self-isolation due to a family member being symptomatic of Covid-19 please contact us before coming to your antenatal appointment on 0114 2268091
If you or someone you know needs help and support during COVID-19, our helpline – 0114 553 3330 – is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Please don’t hesitate to call us if you would like to:
We are adapting our services and grant-giving to support frontline workers in response to COVID-19.
Being there are every step, means finding new ways to reach people affected by cancer. If you are a community group, frontline NHS staff or a key worker supporting people living with and beyond cancer, our small grants could make a real difference to your work at this time. Contact charityteam@wpcancercharity.org.uk to find out how to apply for a grant (up to £1,500).
westonpark.org.uk 0114 553 3330
As part of our precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19, we are only seeing urgent patients. Please be aware that all referrals will be triaged and the routine patients will be added to the waiting list until further notice.
A help and advice website: http://www.yorkshireandhumberorthomcn.co.uk is available which advises orthodontic patients why their treatment has been paused and contains advice/videos to help patients deal with their own breakages of braces. If patients need to get in contact with the Orthodontic team regarding individual advice they can use the following email address: sth.ortho.ccdh@nhs.net. Thank you for your support.
In line with national guidance we are supporting social distancing wherever possible. We are therefore reviewing all of our outpatient appointments – so if you have an appointment, you will be contacted to let you know if it will be going ahead or if we can conduct your appointment by phone or video conference.
Our experts in virology, infectious diseases and infection control at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals have worked to deliver a COVID-19 testing service, in line with the recent national NHS announcement, for staff who show symptoms of the virus. Test results are provided within 24-48 hours which means staff members can self- isolate as soon as they think they have any symptoms in the knowledge that once tested, they can return to work if negative. More importantly if the test is positive, it means those healthcare staff can stay isolated from patients and other work colleagues.
As well as our staff doing all they can to limit the spread of this virus we would once again ask everyone to help us by following the national advice on handwashing and social distancing, it really will make a difference in slowing this outbreak and help us provide the care to those who need it most.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Dr David Hughes, Medical Director
Due to the current situation we will be cancelling all Radiotherapy open evenings for the foreseeable future. They are usually held on the second Tuesday of the month and are an opportunity for Radiotherapy patients and their families to have a tour of the Radiotherapy Department at Weston Park Hospital. This includes the next session which was scheduled for Tuesday 14th April.
After carefully reviewing the current situation in relation to COVID-19 and the national guidance with regard to social distancing, we are requesting patients to refrain from attending the daily Open Repair sessions at the Hearing Services department, where possible.
We do recognise that the ability to hear during these difficult times, combined with isolation is of paramount importance and are sorry not to be able to offer our patients the usual service.
Hearing aid batteries for our existing patients are available by post.
Please phone the booking hub on 0114 2261314 or send your hearing aid book/card and we will post batteries to your address.
If you require any further advice/support regarding your Hearing Aid please also contact the number above and your query will be dealt with by a member of the Hearing Services Audiology Team.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we hope to get back to normal service as soon as we are able. Thank you for your support at this time.
Jessop Wing teams are taking all precautions possible to limit the spread of COVID-19. As a result we have put in place the following restrictions to safeguard our mums and babies as far as possible. This is in line with national maternity services.
• Only one birth partner is allowed either in labour or at an elective caesarean section. This person must be COVID-19 symptom free and not self-isolating
• After the baby is born there will be no access to the postnatal wards for the partner or family.
This has been a difficult decision but we have to do all we can to limit the spread of this virus and we would ask for your understanding during this unprecedented time.
As part of our precautions to limit the spread of Covid-19, we are only seeing urgent patients. Please be aware that all referrals will be triaged and the routine patients will be added to the waiting list until further notice. Thank you for your support.
At the moment our imaging call centre is receiving an unprecedented number of calls from patients checking whether they should still attend for their appointment. In order to help us, please do not telephone the call centre to check this. You will be contacted directly should your appointment need to be cancelled or postponed. If you are not contacted you should attend as planned unless you are self-isolating or have symptoms associated with COVID-19 or have any cold or flu like symptoms.
Many thanks for your support with this
We have carefully considered the risks and benefits to women who are due to attend for breast screening services in terms of postponing screening appointments in light of advice surrounding COVID-19. As a result of this, all breast screening in Sheffield has now been suspended to allow women called to attend the service to follow Government advice and guidance on minimising travel and congregating with others. If you have an appointment for breast screening please do not attend. We will rebook your appointment and send a letter to confirm this as soon as the service resumes as normal.
Please attend your routine antenatal care appointment at the Jessop Wing Hospital, Sheffield, as planned if you are well.
To help limit the spread of Coronavirus please:
• Come to your antenatal appointment alone if possible (if we can reduce the numbers attending the department it will allow for better social distancing)
• Children under 16 will not be allowed in the department.
• If you have a fever or new persistent cough or are in self-isolation due to a family member being symptomatic of Covid-19 please contact us before coming to your antenatal appointment on: 0114 2712866.
Thank you for your support.
If you are visiting any of our services, you can help us by ensuring you wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds using our public bathrooms before, during and after your visit (if this is not possible please use alcohol based hand gel).
Media enquiries relating to Coronavirus should be directed to Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Communications team.