Online panel influences cutting-edge health research

The Clinical Research Office, a joint office between Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and the University of Sheffield have developed a new online lay advisory panel to gain valuable views to influence the latest health research.

The virtual panel, made up of patients and members of the public from across the region, gives researchers access to the patient voice when developing and submitting research proposals. Covering all areas of research, where disease specific patient advisory panels are not already in place, it will ensure that all researchers at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and the University of Sheffield will be able to engage with patients, no matter what their research interest.

Panel members are asked to give their views and share any relevant experiences on a range of research topics and documents. This information is then used to see if research topics are worth pursuing, and if they will benefit patients and members of the public. 

Sally Fowler-Davis, a researcher at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and Sheffield Hallam University said: “The panel gives researchers like me access to patients with a range of conditions and user experiences. It has been clear from the responses I have already received that a great deal of thought has gone into them and they have also provided some very relevant examples.”

Being able to access the patient voice will give researchers key insights before their research actually begins, and allow them to implement any suggestions or necessary changes. 

Sally continued: “I have been able to use the panel’s views to inform the method and presentation I was giving to the International Evidence base Practice Conference.”

There are also many benefits to panel members. It gives them an insight into how health research is conducted, increases their knowledge of particular topics and allows them to share and discuss their own experiences.

Linda Pert, a member of the panel said: “It has been fascinating reading the papers I have been sent as it gives you an insight into how practitioners are trying to drive their particular area forward. It is a bit like being a fly on the wall of a room full of doctors and nurses as they discuss how to do things better. Most reviews don’t take more than an hour, so fitting it in isn’t an issue for me and I am a working mum with four kids. To think that you may have a tiny bit of influence in improving future healthcare, by being on the panel, is quite amazing”.

You don’t need any qualifications to join the panel, you just need to be interested in clinical research and have an email account. To find out more contact 0114 2265911 or email .


Media Contact:

Andrew Johnson, Communications Officer
Tel: 0114 226 5033

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