Sheffield Trust first in the country to adopt pioneering 3D heart surgery which halves patient’s recovery time

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is the first hospital in the UK to offer less invasive keyhole heart valve and atrial cardio fibrillation surgery using a new ground-breaking 3D camera system.

The Chesterman Cardiac Centre at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is already recognised as a leader in heart surgery but the revolutionary 3D “Einstein System” by B. Braun. Medical Ltd will allow surgeons to perform minimally invasive heart surgery which often results in patients having improved surgical outcomes, a shorter recovery time and a reduced hospital stay.

The Trust started using 2D minimal invasive cameras over two years ago, and implementing 3D technology is the next development. The development has been made possible thanks to the generous support of Sheffield Hospitals Charity. The camera is ten times more accurate than the human eye and with specially designed instruments. The surgeon can perform complex surgery through small incisions with precision, this means that bleeding is minimised, and patients often go home after two days as opposed to an average of seven days.

The operation takes less time than the traditional surgery and therefore the risk of infection is also lower. There is also a reduction in scarring and potentially less post -surgery complications. The equipment will predominantly be used for patients who need mitral valve repair but it can also be used for other procedures.

Traditionally surgeons have carried out the procedure by making a large chest incision to reach and operate on the heart. However with suitable patients the new surgery will now be minimally invasive. This means the surgeon will make a few small incisions in the patient’s chest and use specially developed instruments to reach the heart.

Patients across Yorkshire and Humber region, including Doncaster, Rotherham, Barnsley, Chesterfield and Sheffield are expected to be among the first to benefit from the new procedure.

Dr David Throssell, Medical Director at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “This is fantastic news for patients in South Yorkshire as we can now offer 3D surgery to treat a number of cardiac conditions. We are very grateful to Sheffield Hospitals Charity and their supporters who have enabled this major development in patient care to happen. It will ensure that Sheffield remains as a leading centre of clinical care within the UK.”
Karen Tromans, mother of two, was one of the first patients to benefit from the new surgical equipment. She received mitral valve replacement surgery and is well on her way to recovery after a matter of weeks.


Karen, 39, from Hackenthorpe in Sheffield, said: “I am awe struck by the treatment I’ve had and the jaw dropping speed of my recovery.

"There has really been minimal incision. Before the surgery I struggled to get up the stairs but already I can climb stairs easily. I can’t believe I’m already returning to work just a couple of weeks after the surgery."

Karen runs her own cleaning company, and so it was important for her to get back work as quickly as possible.


Picture caption: Karen Tromans three weeks after her surgery, on one of her first days back at work.

John Birch, Communications Officer
Tel: 0114 226 8989

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