2 July 2015
A brand new website is being launched to provide information and advice on sexual health services available in Sheffield.
The new Sexual Health Sheffield (SHS) website, www.sexualhealthsheffield.nhs.uk , will be officially launched on July 7 at the city’s Central Health Clinic on Mulberry Street. It includes the ability to order chlamydia and gonorrhoea screening kits online and a downloadable SHS app.
It will add to and complement the comprehensive sexual health services already on offer in Sheffield, and has been designed to be accessible on mobile phones and other mobile devices.
Steve Slack, Community Engagement Manager at SHS, said: “We’re really excited about launching this new resource for people requiring support or advice about their sexual health.
“The website provides clear information about the services we provide, our opening times and basic facts about contraception and sexually transmitted infections.
“The website will also promote our existing services such as Youth Clinic to remind young people aged 19 and under that we are open throughout the year, including the summer holidays to provide STI screening, contraception and advice about sexual health.”
The website will provide information on:
• Clinic opening times
• Contraception choices
• Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) screening services
• Youth Clinic and services for young people
• Pitstop+ - a new service for gay and bisexual men
• Downloadable SHS app
• YouTube channel with campaign videos
• A section for professionals outlining SHS training and resources
The ability to order a screening kit for chlamydia and gonorrhoea online will mean users can screen themselves at their convenience rather than having to attend a clinic.
The downloadable app for iPhone and Android will make it easier to get sexual health advice when and where it is needed.
Ratidzo Cheza, a volunteer from the peer education group PASH said: “This website is a fantastic new resource that young people can use whenever and wherever they choose and it will be accessible 24/7. It will help young people make healthier choices and provide information on where they can access help too.”
Nikki Bond, Sheffield City Councillor and Sexual Health Champion, will officially launch the website.
She said: “It is important that the public are aware that there are free, accessible and confidential sexual health services available in Sheffield.
“The new SHS website will provide a valuable new way for people to access the help and advice that they need.”
Councillor Jackie Drayton, Sheffield City Council’s Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families said: “Sexual health is an extremely important issue, especially for young people and so it is vital that people are able to get access to good and correct information. As young people in particular access their information these days either through websites or apps on mobile phones I am delighted to see this site being launched with this in mind.
“Young people will now be able to access information 24/7 as and when they need it without having to wait for clinics to open at a time when they may not be able to access them, which often leads to people just not bothering. Hopefully this move will lead to a decrease in sexual health problems across the city.”