29 April 2015
Trust's Estates team scoop top international prize for ensuring safety remains of the highest importance across all our hospital and community sites.
THE TEAM charged with overseeing all aspects of construction, property maintenance and contractor management at Sheffield’s five major hospitals have scooped the bronze medal at the internationally acclaimed Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) Health and Safety Awards 2015.
The health and safety team within Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s Estates Directorate leads on health and safety policy and procedures within the Directorate which employs over 150 members of staff and which deal with a wide and varied workload across the Trust’s five sites (the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, the Northern General Hospital, Weston Park Hospital, Charles Clifford Dental Hospital and the Jessop Maternity Wing) as well as community sites.
This includes dealing with contractors on large projects, such as the development of the new helipad at the Northern General Hospital and the £11 million state-of-the-art laboratory medicine building which opened in 2013.
Estates personnel also undertake day-to-day works on the buildings and services to ensure the smooth running of the Trust’s activities whilst ensuring good health and safety systems are in place for the protection of staff, contractors and visitors.
The RoSPA awards rewards organisations which have effective health and safety systems embedded within their business for organisations of all types and sizes from across the UK and overseas.
Daniel Boardman, Health, Safety & Governance Manager at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We are delighted to have won this prestigious award, which recognises the tireless efforts of our staff in ensuring that safety remains of the highest importance across all our hospital and community sites.
“There’s no such thing as an average day in our job, and although we plan for things as much as possible, we never know what’s going to happen from one to day to the next. We are proud to work with our staff and contractors to provide a safe working environment. We see our job as making sure everyone connected with the Estates Directorate goes home at the end of the day as fit and healthy as when they arrive.”
RoSPA is the UK’s family safety charity and aims to save lives and reduce injuries covering all ages and stages of life.
The RoSPA Health and Safety Awards 2015 are a key fixture in the health and safety calendar and offers organisations an opportunity to prove their ongoing commitment to raising health and safety standards and to be a part of the longest running and most highly respected occupational safety awards programme.
David Rawlins, RoSPA’s awards manager, said: “The RoSPA Awards encourage improvement in occupational health and safety management. Organisations that gain recognition for their health and safety management systems, such as Estates Directorate. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust contributed to raising standards overall and we congratulate them.”
The Bronze award will be presented to the Sheffield team during a ceremony at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, at the National Exhibition Centre, on July 14, 2015.
Claudia Blake, Communications Specialist
Tel: 0114 226 5033
Email: claudia.blake@sth.nhs.uk