Hospital staff recognised at top regional leadership awards

A CONSULTANT nurse leading the way in cancer care and a manager inspiring a generation of NHS professionals to improve the quality, safety and value of care they provide are to be recognised at a regional award scheme celebrating great leaders in the NHS.

Dr Diana Greenfield and Steve Harrison, of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, were singled out from 155 entries from across the region to be shortlisted as finalists in the NHS Leadership Recognition Awards.

Diana is one of six finalists in the ‘Inspirational NHS Leader of the Year’ category for pioneering a nurse-led Late Effects service, which provides care for cancer survivors in the months and years after treatment.

As well as establishing a Cancer Survivorship group, which has resulted in the development of physical exercise, fatigue management and vocational rehabilitation services for cancer survivors, Diana has been instrumental in developing and sharing best knowledge and practice on the long-term effects of surviving cancer in an era of improving survival rates.

She has also led the way on a number of service improvements aiding greater understanding of the challenges facing cancer survivors , including developing education programmes and materials for a variety of healthcare professionals, and the publication of two competence frameworks for nurses – one for the care of young people and one for adults living beyond cancer. Both have been endorsed by the Royal College of Nursing.

Martin Salt, lead cancer nurse at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Dr Greenfield is hugely enthusiastic, which is often infectious. She is an inspirational role model, who demonstrates excellent skills in influencing and delivering change within an organisation. Locally Diana works with a range of collaborative partners and agencies. She leads on a number of projects locally, nationally, and internationally.”

Steve Harrison is one of three finalists in contention for the ‘NHS Coach/Mentor of the Year’ category. Since 2012 he has coached a wide range of clinical teams across Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust which has already led to a reduction in patient waiting times by 63% in the renal outpatients department at the Northern General Hospital and a drop in the amount of time patients with falls spend in clinic from 380 minutes to 155 minutes.

He has also trained over 80 healthcare professionals to become microsystems coaches under the auspices of the UK’s first Microsystems Coaching Academy. The Sheffield Microsystems Coaching Academy aims to improve the quality of care Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provides for patients in Sheffield through the development of improvement coaches, who work with frontline teams to put quality improvement at the heart of everyday clinical care.

Steve also works with the Dartmouth Microsystem Academy, a US-based microsystems coaching academy and with the Ireland Emergency Department’s microsystem improvement programmes.

Rebecca Joyce, service improvement manager for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Steve is an enthusiastic and authentic leader. At the heart of his approach is his absolute commitment to supporting frontline staff to improve what they do. Through his leadership of the Microsytems Coaching Academy he has consistently demonstrated his ability to inspire, teach and develop others, enabling the spread of the quality improvement techniques and coaching skills he so strongly champions.”

Sir Andrew Cash, chief executive for Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Congratulations to Diana and Steve for their fantastic achievement in reaching the regional finals of these prestigious awards, which recognise the invaluable contribution individual role models can bring to the NHS. To reach the finals of these highly sought after awards is an achievement in itself, and I am incredibly proud of them.”

The regional finals of the NHS Leadership Recognition Awards will take place on Wednesday 3 December at the Marriott Hotel in Leeds.

If successful in their category Diana and Steve will go head to head with winners from across the country in the National Recognition Awards Ceremony in 2015.


Photo: Dr Diana Greenfield at Weston Park Hospital, one of only four dedicated cancer hospitals in the country.

Claudia Blake, Communications Specialist
Tel: 0114 226 5033

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