Sheffield's 'pottiest' patient praises staff on National Casting Day (6th November)

Sheffield Teaching Hospital’s Plaster Rooms are celebrating National Casting Day, a UK wide initiative to promote the skills and services of the casting/plaster room within the hospital and the local community.

Liz Wright, aged 41, is the most frequent visitor to the Plaster Room at the Northern General Hospital’s Fracture Clinic. The Mum of two has been visiting the department for over 31 years and has never gone a year without a cast on one or both of her arms.

Liz, who works as a nurse at the same hospital, suffers from Madelung, a genetic deformity in her arms and wrists, which causes pain if her arms are not supported with casts.

This has caused Liz to require around 50 casts to be fitted since she was diagnosed with the condition at the age of ten. 

She said: “I have got to know the staff in the Plaster Room very well over the years, they’re a god send. We always have a good laugh and they really cheer me up as well as doing a really important job. The team are really supportive and I know I can ring them up whenever I need to. The team even have gauze of every colour of the rainbow to brighten up your cast. I’ve currently got glittery purple because I like a bit of bling!”

The Plaster Technicians provide casts for patients across Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust including those that have suffered a fracture or have diabetes related problems.

Kay Taylor, Plaster Technician has worked in the Plaster Room for 14 years. She said: “I love my job. We are an extremely busy unit and we have an excellent team that work really hard. National Casting Day raises awareness of the professional standards acquired by casting professionals and to recognise their on-going efforts to provide high quality care. Our team certainly go above and beyond the call of duty for our patients and deserve the recognition the day brings.”


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