£16m investment in new state of the art Hospital laboratory complex

David Stone, Chairman of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals board participated in a ‘topping out’ ceremony to mark a significant construction milestone in the building of a new £16m, state of the art laboratory complex at the Northern General Hospital.

The new facility, which is due to be completed next year will bring together the majority of existing pathology laboratories into one purpose built site. The new complex will house some of the most advanced diagnostic equipment in Europe and will enable patients to receive their results even more quickly.

The complex will also enable specialists to work more closely together in large open plan areas, helping to reduce duplication and increasing the opportunity to share expertise.

The building will also generate savings when fully operational as a result of its environmental design which will see overall energy costs reduced by two thirds compared to the existing older laboratories.
Professor Tim Stephenson, Clinical Director of Laboratory Medicine said: ‘We already have some of the best scientists in the NHS working within our hospital laboratories and this new major investment will now also provide Sheffield with some of the most leading edge laboratory facilities in Europe. It will increase our capacity and enable us to process test results even more quickly.

The new building is part of our ongoing commitment to provide the best quality of care to patients not just at Sheffield Hospitals, but also we will be able to provide specialist test reporting for patients from many other neighbouring hospitals.

James Wimpenny, Regional Director BAM Construction North East, the building contractor responsible for the development said: ‘We are extremely proud of our involvement in this project and are pleased to be helping to create such a wonderful new facility.’


Pictured from left: James Wimpenny, Regional Director BAM Construction North East, Professor Tim Stephenson, Clinical Director of Laboratory Medicine David Stone, Chairman of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


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