Sheffield Hospital's GUM clinic speeds ahead

Sheffield Teaching Hospital's Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinic has once again exceeded national targets and seen patients faster than the country's average.

The GUM clinic at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, has consistently offered 100% of patients their first appointment within 48-hours since March 2008.

The Department of Health first identified 48-hour access to Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinics as priority in 2006/7 and set the target of: 100% of patients to be offered appointments within 48 hours of contacting a GUM service with 85% of these patients to be seen in the same time-frame.

In June, 89% of patients at the Hallamshire's GUM clinic, which underwent a £3 million refurbishment in 2007, were seen within 48 hours of contacting the clinic - exceeding the national average of 88.7%.

Kirsty Ellis, Acting Matron at Sheffield Teaching Hospital's GUM said: "We are really pleased with consistently reaching these targets set by the Department of Health. Our unit takes pride in ensuring all patients are seen promptly and will continue to offer a gold standard service to the local community.

"The expanded clinic, which offers separate waiting areas for men and women, allows us to see and treat more patients than ever and we have seen a rise in appointments in the last two years."

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