Electrical test at Hallamshire hospital

The Royal Hallamshire hospital will be undertaking some important electrical tests on Monday, August 10, as part of a statutory obligation to test electrical back-up systems. 

Power will be available for all essential use and patient treatment will not be affected during the testing phase, which begins at 9am and is expected to last approximately one hour.

However, the Trust is asking patients and visitors to be aware that the lifts will not be operating until the power is restored and some areas of the hospital will have reduced lighting levels during the period of the test.

The Trust is giving the following information;

  • In anticipation, most appointments have been scheduled around the testing period. However, any patient who has been asked to attend during the period of the test should attend as planned. Staff will be working hard to ensure any delays are kept to an absolute minimum.
  • People who are on upper floors of the hospital and are unable to take the stairs may not be able to return to the ground floor until the lift service resumes. Please allow extra time for this when making transport arrangements.

On the day, teams of staff and volunteers will be available in the main lift lobby areas to offer help and support to patients if required.

Chris Welsh, Chief Operating Officer, said: “It is very important for us to test the hospital’s emergency generator systems on a normal working day. We expect normal power to resume within one hour and visiting times should be unaffected.

“However, we expect there may be a small backlog of people using the lifts so please bear with us during this time. We would like to thank everyone in advance for their patience.”

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