How to contact us








For specific contact details of a member of staff or specific service, please try our Meet the Team page or Our Services pages.

For outpatient queries call:
  • 0114 27 11598

For referral addresses, please click on the referral information page.


RHH N1 - 0114 27 11715
RHH N2 - 0114 27 12896
RHH - Neuro Critical Care (K1) 0114 22 65576 / 0114 27 12047

Other useful contacts:
  • Royal Hallamshire Hospital - 0114 27 11900
  • Northern General Hospital - 0114 243 4343



Additional Information

Why wait for an operator?

Our new telephone system connects you straight to the ward you need.

Simply call:

0114 226 9696 and then state the name of the ward when prompted.

Patient Services & Feedback

If you would prefer to speak with someone outside of the department you are concerned with or provide feedback you can contact the Patient Services Team on 0114 271 2400 or email

They will be happy to listen and offer further advice on how to make a complaint or send on your message to the department in question.

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