Meet our Governors

The Governors are your representatives and you can contact them via the Foundation Trust Office on 0114 2714322 or by email


Person stood having photoSteve Barks

Public Governor, South East Sheffield Re-elected 2022

I am very pleased to have been re-elected to represent South East Sheffield. I want to ensure that our local hospital services are fit for purpose for all our communities. I want to celebrate those parts working well ensuring lessons learnt are used to improve those not working so well. I want to use my own and others’ experiences to inform my contributions as a critical friend to the Trust and hold them accountable.




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Steve Bell

Public Governor, West Sheffield - Elected 2022

Hello, I have recently been elected as a public governor for West Sheffield. I am a retired ex- chartered physiotherapist having spent the last 18 years of my working life at senior management level for a national charity – the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

I stood for election as a governor with three key aims: to assist the Trust in its strategic development and implementation, particularly in post COVID recovery; to be a voice for patients and members across my elected area, ensuring timely access to services and in particular, for hard-to-reach communities and continued improvement in the quality of care.


Person stood having photoMarion Billingham

Public Governor, West Sheffield - Elected 2023

I am a recently retired HR professional, having worked in the public and private sectors. I stood for election as a Governor because I believe in the NHS and believe that as Governors we can help drive accountability for delivery of its services to all.





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Tony Clabby

Public Governor, South West Sheffield - Elected 2023

I grew up with the NHS and my brothers and sisters spent their whole working lives within the NHS. Over the years I have had many reasons to be grateful to the NHS, and I hope to bring to the role my experience in senior roles within the Voluntary & Community Sectors, particularly the last few years as CEO of Healthwatch Rotherham.




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Michelle Cook

Patient Governor - Re-elected 2024

I am pleased to have been elected again as a governor. I am a long time patient of the Trust at both the Northern General and the Royal Hallamshire and have seen first-hand during my own excellent treatment the hard work of staff. I recognise the importance of patient involvement and I intend to be a voice for patients. Having helped rebuild mine and my family’s health, both in hospital and in the community, I want to give something back as the Trust face the challenges ahead.




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Sally Craig, Public Governor

South West Sheffield - Elected 2023

My background as a retired dentist both in general practice, and within the hospital system as a paediatric dentist, has given me some insight into the workings of the NHS.I should like to see increasing use of electronic resources, improved communication with patients and more cohesion between providers of healthcare to provide safe and effective care for all patients, looking after both their physical and mental wellbeing.



Person stood having photoMark Dixey

Public Governor South East Sheffield - Elected 2024

I worked in the NHS for twenty-four years before I retired in 2021. I was a Public Governor at Chesterfield Royal Hospital for a number of years before moving to Sheffield in 2021. It was a great experience that I will build on to ensure that the voice of members and the public is heard by those that run Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. I am proud and grateful for the opportunity to play a part in the local governance of the NHS.




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Felister Heeley

Public Governor, North Sheffield - Elected 2022

I would like to say a big thank you to those who elected me to be one of the North Sheffield public governors. My nursing career spans over 20 years in the NHS having worked in STH within critical care, followed by a successful career as a specialist community public health nurse in Sheffield. I am now working within academia as a university teacher. I am passionate about safe and quality care delivery driven by innovation and underpinned by the best evidence-based practice. STH will like other NHS Trust is facing challenges in the post pandemic recovery phase. 



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Janet Jenkinson

Public Governor South East Sheffield - Elected 2024

I have recently retired as a primary school teacher after enjoying a very rewarding career working with young children for over 40 years. My professional career has developed my skills and expertise in leadership, accountability, transparency and interpersonal skills. It also provided me with the opportunity to serve two terms of office as a staff governor and a parent governor in an educational setting. I have been a long term patient at STH along with my 32 year old son. We have both always received exemplary care so now I feel that being a Governor is a great opportunity to give something back by ensuring both patients and staff are at the centre of all decision making.


Person stood having photoSteve Jones

Patient Governor - Re-elected 2023

Steve worked as a senior lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University between 2004 and 2017, specialising in school leadership in highly disadvantaged communities, educational policy and internationalisation. As a governor Steve aims to utilise his lifelong personal commitment to the NHS, close knowledge of Sheffield communities, and experience of working in partnership with local organisations. He is keen that our Sheffield hospitals continue providing high quality care, innovative practice, an excellent everyday patient experience, and a close involvement with partners in our city communities.



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Nazia Khan

Public Governor, North Sheffield - Elected 2023

I have lived in north Sheffield for over 20 years and I have been connected to community volunteering in different roles. I can see that there is a need to bridge the gap between healthcare providers and our communities, for someone who has similar experiences and can help in a realistic way. Being multi-lingual and multi-cultural I believe I can be the bridge.




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Melvin Ness

Public Governor, North Sheffield - Elected 2023

My career has provided me with opportunities to work in various sectors of industry both in the UK and abroad. Over 50 years working at different levels of management has given me the skills, knowledge and experience that I bring to my role on the Council of Governors, along wit experience from my role as an NHS volunteer.




Person stood having photoJoe Saverimoutou

Public Governor, Sheffield South West - Re-elected 2024

I am delighted to have been re-elected as a Governor. It is an honour to be a voice for members of the public and patients, feeding back your views to the Trust. The NHS faces enormous challenges within the present socio-economic and political environment and is going through radical changes. However we must make sure that we do not deviate from the founding principles of the NHS. I will endeavour to support the Trust to deliver a high standard of care, invest in health, wellness and the promotion of healthy living as well as working with its partners in addressing health inequalities in our region.



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Harold Sharpe

Patient Governor - Re-elected 2022

I am delighted to have been re-elected for a further term of office. As a governor I have brought my experience of being a patient and of having a disability to bear on the broad range of issues I have been involved with. I am a member of the Quality Board and the Council of Governors’ Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC). These Committees have a direct impact on the kind of service patients’ experience. The Quality Board is concerned with care and clinical practices. The NRC is responsible for recruiting the Chair of the Trust and the Non-Executive Directors.




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Shirley Sherwood

Patient Governor – Elected 2023

I would like to thank Trust Members who took the time to vote in these challenging and difficult times and a special thanks to Patient Members who voted for me. I am really looking forward to the next few years as a Governor and I’m keen to be involved in conversations about ensuring a safe environment in hospital and in the community for both staff and patients is a priority for the Trust. We have all had a most unusual time recently to say the least but as ever the people of South Yorkshire have pulled together to help the vulnerable and the NHS. We really need to look after each other and protect our NHS. We certainly have our work cut out but working as a team I am sure that with time and energy we will do all we can.


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Jim Steinke

Patient Governor - Elected 2022

I am delighted to have been elected as a patient governor at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. The NHS is such a fantastic organisation, but we need to constantly find ways in which it can be more accountable to the communities it serves while also ensuring that those communities have a voice. I believe that being a governor is a key part of achieving that in Sheffield. I have spent most of my working life managing homeless and refugee/migrant services in the voluntary and community sectors, locally and nationally. I have always focused on the health needs of those groups and been responsible for developing public community health projects across South Yorkshire, always recognising the importance of linking that with mainstream health services. As a governor I will use my experiences of working with and within a wide range of statutory and community agencies, at different levels from Chief Executive to front line worker.


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Chris Sterry

Patient Governor - Elected 2024

I have lived in Sheffield for nearly 75 years and over that time I and my family have had a need for the NHS and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals being a Patient Governor is a means to give back. AAs a Governor I will do what I can to ensure the Trust continues to provide excellent care and puts patients first. I will use my life and family experiences in health and especially with learning disabilities and autism, as I was a family carer for around 40 years.




Person stood having photoJulie Taylor

Patient Governor - Elected 2023

I have just retired after 44 years in the NHS in both nursing & admin roles, now I want to continue to contribute to the wonderful NHS and excellent services we have here in Sheffield. I worked at STH for 20 years (1992-2012) and I am a long-term patient of cardiology and rheumatology. I have an inherited heart condition that has affected 7 family members and have a clear understanding of patient needs. I volunteer for Cardiomyopathy UK running a local support group and I am a patient representative for British Heart Foundation.

I am passionate about improving the patient experience and ensuring they are cared for by professional, knowledgeable and compassionate staff who understand their needs and engage with them at every stage of their treatment, including the patient in their shared care.


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Paul Williams

Patient Governor - Elected 2024

This will be my first term as a Patient Governor at STH, I am looking forward to working with this diverse and knowledgeable governance team. With the mix of my current day job at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, as a Facilities Manager looking after the fabric of NHS buildings and infrastructure, I hope to bring and share different ways of using our amazing estates to the betterment of the Patient and staff. I also aim to share my life experiences as a patient within the NHS. knowing we can continue to make the patients experience a better one.



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Gordon Wordsworth

Patient Governor - Elected 2023

Born in Sheffield I’ve worked in the area all my life. An apprentice trained bricklayer/builder. I went on to establish and run one of the country’s largest social enterprises. I’ve also been vice-chair of South Yorkshire Police Authority, chair of the Probation Board and chair of ‘Sheffield Homes’ local housing board. I want to play my part in making the organisation a good place for patients and a good place to work and train. I’d also like to support driving down health in equality, seeking to ensure all our communities benefit from our services, and to reduce the causes of ill-health.



Staff Governors

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Paulette Afflick-Anderson

Staff Governor for Admin, Management and Clerical Staff - Elected 2023

I am delighted and see it as an honour that Admin, Management and Clerical staff have elected me as their Governor.

I started working in the NHS in Sheffield 36 years ago as a Medical Secretary and have since then worked operationally and strategically – currently in Strategy and Planning. Using knowledge and experience gained over the years I will seek to be representative of staff, in Council of Governor meetings and Trust Board meetings. I have a passion for fairness and equality as well as always seeking for opportunities to create inclusion for all.

For me staff are the backbone of any successful organisation and the continued success of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals rests with the staff who directly or indirectly provide care for our patients. The pandemic has created challenges but also opportunities for taking stock and finding innovative ways to enhance patient care and also support for staff. I welcome being a part of ensuring that we can further look to develop this and other aspects of work moving forward.


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Esther Buckland

Staff Governor Representing Allied Health Professionals, Scientists and Technicians - Elected 2024

I have worked for the NHS as an Allied Health Professional for over 30 years across a range of cancer services. I am currently based at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital as the Principal Therapeutic Radiographer in Stereotactic Radiosurgery. I am passionate to ensure that as a Trust we not only offer the very highest standards of patient care but also ensure inclusivity and equality of access for all our patients. I believe that as a diverse team bringing different experiences and perspectives we are more able to meet the challenges we face and look forward to working with you all as Staff Governor for Allied Health Professionals, Scientists and Technicians.


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Janice Byrne

Staff Governor Representing Nurses and Midwives - Elected 2024

As a Nurse with over 30 years of experience within healthcare, I am deeply passionate about empowering staff and upholding the highest standards of care. Throughout my career, I have witnessed the challenges facing the NHS, and I am committed to supporting my colleagues through these. My unwavering dedication to staff well-being and my ability to navigate complex issues make me an invaluable asset to the nursing and midwifery community. I am a nationally recognized, award-winning nurse and as a staff governor, I will be a tireless advocate for my peers, working tirelessly to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are met.


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Liz Puddy

Staff Governor for Doctors and Dentists – Elected 2023

I feel privileged and humbled to have this opportunity to represent my Medical and Dental Staff colleagues. Thank you.

I am looking forward to listening, learning and engaging with the Trust Governance system to ensure that Sheffield Teaching Hospitals remains a place to be proud to work in. These are challenging times for all. I am positive, that we as a team of members on the Council of Governors can help. We will endeavour to ensure that everyone at STH strives for excellence. This can only make it a better and happier place to receive treatment and work in.

I have the pleasure with working with so many friends and colleagues from across many specialities so hope that I have a fair idea of what it is like to be STH employee. I aspire to remain approachable in person or virtually.





Appointed Governors

Ajman AliPerson stood having photo

Appointed Governor representing Sheffield City Council from February 2024








Person stood having photoAndrew Hartley

Appointed Governor representing The Sheffield College – from April 2023

Andrew is the College’s Deputy Chief Executive and lead for engagement with employers on apprenticeships and skills training solutions; marketing and learner recruitment; and its physical estate.

Previously he worked for a private training provider and for 10 years as Managing Director of the University of Derby’s corporate division working with companies providing university level training programmes, and innovation and knowledge transfer services.

Prior to joining the University, he worked for Beck & Pollitzer Engineering, an engineering services contractor specialising in the installation of plant and machinery throughout the world. His early career was in third party logistics.

Commenting on his appointment, Andrew said “I am delighted to have joined the Council of Governors and have the opportunity to contribute to the incredibly valuable work of the Trust ensuring that patients interest’s are at the heart of everything it does.”


Person stood having photoDavid Warwicker

Appointed Governor from March 2021

David was born and raised in Sheffield. He spends most of his time as a GP Partner at his practice in Ecclesfield, serving a diverse and changing community of patients. The feedback from patients and professionals who engage with STH services is particularly beneficial to his work as a governor. David also works for STH in the Dermatology department. He finds his first-hand experience of working as a doctor within the trust invaluable when feeding into governor discussions with directors.
Another of David’s roles is GP Clinical Advisor for South Yorkshire Integrated Care Board. His experience of commissioning NHS services and understanding of how NHS services are funded further helps him to contribute to the work of the Council of Governors.