Council of Governors

The Council of Governors gather the views of the hospital's members to give them a voice at the highest level of the organisation. The governors also work closely with the Trust Board to influence decision making and ensure all services are continually improving.

There are 33 Governors in total who make up the Council:

  • 13 represent the public
  • 7 represent patients
  • 6 represent our staff
  • 7 represent key organisations we work with

The Council of Governors meets formally four times a year but their work involves more than that. Individual Governors are involved in Trust committees and working groups and also input into specific projects where their particular expertise or perspective is valuable.

Individual Governors seek the views of members to canvass opinions on significant issues and report back on decisions made.

Other statutory duties of the Council of Governors include:

  • Appointing Non-Executive Directors, including the Trust Chairman
  • Determining the remuneration of the Chair and Non-Executive Directors
  • Approving the appointment or removal of the Trust's auditor.

The Council of Governors provides an opportunity for patients, the public and staff to influence the way their hospitals are run which is what being an NHS Foundation Trust is all about.

Council of Governors Meetings

The Council of Governors meets regularly throughout the year. The dates for these meetings held in public are published below. The agenda and meeting papers are posted online before each meeting and can be accessed by clicking on the relevant link below.

Members of the public are invited to observe meetings of the Council of Governors, venue details can be found on the relevant meeting agenda.

Council of Governors Meeting Dates 2024

Click the below links for the relevant months



A - Minutes of the Meeting of the Council of Governors held on 12 December 2023 

B - Action Log 

C - Finance and Performance Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

D - People Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

E - Quality Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

F - Audit Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

G - Acute Federation Board Meeting Update 

H - Integrated Care Partnership Meeting Update 

I - Arts in Health Project 

J - Governors Forum Meeting Update 


Council of Governors Meeting Agenda - 13 June 2024 

A - Unadopted Minutes of the Council of Governors Meeting 19 March 2024 

B - Action Log 

Chief Executive's Report - Presentation 

Connect Electronic Patient Record Update - Presentation 

C - Finance and Performance Meeting Assurance Report 

D - People Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

E - Quality Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

F - Audit Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

G - Research and Innovation Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

H - South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Acute Federation Board Meeting Assurance Report 

I - System and Partnerships Meeting Assurance Report 

J- 2023-2024 Annual Report 

K - Governors Forum Meeting Update and Terms of Reference 

L - Outcome of Chair's Appraisal 

M - Extending Terms of Office of the Chair 

N - Appointment of Vice Chair and Senior Independent Director 


Council of Governors Meeting Agenda - 10 September 2024

A - Minutes of the Meeting of the Council of Governors held on 13 June 2024

Chief Executive's presentation

B - Auditor's Annual Report 2023/24

C - Reappointment of the Trust's External Auditors

D - Finance and Performance Committee Chair's Update

E - People Committee Chair's Update

F - Quality Committee Chair's update

G - Audit Committee Chair's Update

H - Research and Innovation Committee Chair's Update

I - Partnership and System Update

J - 2023/24 Quality Report

K - 2024/25 Trust's Annual Operational Plan

L - Action Log

Li - Council of Governors' Terms of Reference


Monday 6 March 2023 at 10.00am-11.50pm - Undergraduate Common Room, Northern General Hospital 


A Minutes of previous meeting 

B Action Log 

C Well-led Report 

D Board Assurance Framework and Corporate Risk Register Report 

E Unadopted Notes of Governors' Forucm Meeting 


Tuesday 20 June 2023 at 12.00pm - Sheffield United Football Club, Tony Currie Suite 


A: Minutes of the Meeting of the Council of Governors 

B: Action Log 

C: NHSE Guidance: Addendum to Governor's Statutory Duties 

D: 2023/2024 Corporate Strategy Briefing 

E: 2023/2024 Operational Plan Briefing 

F: 2023/2024 Financial Plan Briefing 

G: Unadopted Notes of Governors' Forum Meeting 

H: Feedback from the Governors' Time-Out 

I: Review of Chair's Appraisal Outcomes 


Council of Governors Meeting - 19 September 2023 at 12.00pm 


A - Minutes of Council of Governors held on 20 June 2023 

B - Council of Governors Action Log 

C - External Audit Service: 2022 / 2023 Annual Audit Report 

External Audit Service: Annual Audit Presentation 

D - External Audit Provision 

E - Quality Report 

F - Finance and Performance Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

G - People Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

H - Quality Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

I - Audit Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

J - Acute Federation Meeting Assurance Report 

K - Health and Care Systems Update 

L - Amendments to the Trust Constitution 

M - Forum Notes of the 21 August 2023 

N - Council of Governors Meeting Format Governor Feedback Report 


Council of Governors  - Tuesday 12 December 2023 


A Minutes of Council of Governors' Meeting held on 19 September 2023 

B Minutes of extraordinary meeting held on 30 October 2023 

C Action Log 

D Membership Engagement Plan 

E Finance and Performance Meeting Assurance Report 

Fi People Committee Meeting Assurance Report - 9 October 2023 

Fii People Committee Meeting Assurance Report - 13 November 2023 

G Quality Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

H Audit Committee Meeting Assurance Report 

I SYBAF Meeting Assurance Report 

J Health and Care System Update 

K Governors' Forum Meeting Assurance Report 

L Document Review and Approval 

M Review of Council of Governors Effectiveness