
Podiatry involves the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle and lower limb.

The podiatry team consists of podiatrists, assistants, apprentices and administrative staff.

We provide:

  • High risk patient management (including diabetes and rheumatology)
  • Nail surgery
  • Foot health education
  • Core podiatry

Complex biomechanical problems, sports injuries and foot conditions requiring surgery (except nail surgery) are now treated by Sheffield MSK Service and require a referral from a GP. Please ask your GP for further advice

Sheffield Podiatry Service is part of the NHS and therefore all the clinical services we provide are free of charge.

  • Specialist Diabetes and High-Risk care in the community and hospital sites
  • Core Podiatry
  • Nail surgery
  • Empowerment Team (Triage, Assessment & Foot Health Education)
  • Royal Hallamshire Hospital
  • Northern General Hospital
  • Central Health Clinic, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2PJ
  • Firth Park Clinic, North Quadrant, Sheffield, S5 6NU
  • Manor Clinic, 18 Ridgeway Road, Sheffield, S12 2ST
  • Woodhouse Clinic, 3 Skelton Lane, Sheffield, S13 7LY
  • Hillsborough Clinic, Limbrick Road, Sheffield, S6 2PE
  • Darnal Health Centre, 290 Main Road, Sheffield, S9 4QH
  • Graves Move More Health & Sport Centre, Bochum Parkway, Sheffield, S8 8JR
  • Concord Move More Health & Sport Centre, Shiregreen Lane, S5 6AE.

Podiatry Services, Woodhouse Health Centre, 3 Skelton Lane, Sheffield, S13 7LY.

Telephone: 0114 307 8200

The administrative office is open Monday-Friday, 8.00am- 4.30pm. If you leave an answer machine message, we will get back to you the same day or within one working day.

Your application will be assessed according to your medical and clinical need and you will be offered an assessment appointment, if you meet our access criteria. Any appropriate treatment will be provided along with foot health education. You may be given follow up treatment if required or discharged if the podiatrist thinks you can now manage your own foot care safely. High risk patients who have feet at risk from infection, ulceration and amputation will be assessed according to need and given an appropriate appointment depending on severity. Referral forms can be posted to our head office (details above) or emailed to:


We will work with you to manage your foot problem following an assessment and, in partnership with you, agree a care and/or treatment plan (if ongoing treatment is required). We will discuss what matters to you and how we can help you.

We have a number of leaflets that give information about our services and different foot conditions. Click on the Trust Patient Information link and use the search bar to find our podiatry leaflets.

  1. You can apply for podiatry treatment and after assessment of your form you will be offered a clinical assessment appointment if suitable. The time frame for this will be dependent of whether you have been assessed as High or Low risk. 
  2. This treatment is free of charge.
  3. You will be offered an appointment (if applicable) within the specified waiting times (details of these are available on request from the head office/patient information folders in clinics/website).
  4. When you contact the department staff will introduce themselves.
  5. You will be called by your preferred name, which will be respected by the department.
  6. You will not be discriminated against on the grounds of gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability or age.
  7. You will be treated with courtesy, respect and in a professional manner by all staff.
  8. We will give you any information that you require to enable you to choose the treatment that is best for you. We will explain the risks involved with having or declining treatment and any alternative treatments available.
  9. You will be treated as an individual, listened to and taken seriously.
  10. Your privacy and dignity during treatment will be maintained and we will keep your confidential information safe and secure.
  11. We will discuss all relevant aspects of your care with you and involve you in decisions taken about your care.
  12. We will aim not to cancel the same appointment twice.
  13. If you need to leave a message on the answer machine it will be returned the same or following working day.
  14. E-mails and correspondence will be returned within 5 working days.
  15. You have the right to complain if you are not happy with any of this service and it will be investigated according to the NHS standards (details are available from the Patient Services Team, manager/our head office/patient information folders/website or by asking your podiatrist).

This service is available at the following Hospitals: