Our Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) provides a new service available to ophthalmology patients at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, as well as to other patients living with sight loss, funded by a partnership between Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB).
Located in the eye clinic, the Eye Clinic Liaison Officer provides emotional support, advice and information to those experiencing sight problems, at what can be a difficult time for the visually impaired person, family members and carers.
Issues covered include information and advice about the registration process, emotional support, advice on living with sight loss and maintaining independence.
Our Eye Clinic Liaison Officer can direct people towards relevant support services in the community, or make a referral to these on behalf of the patient.
Referrals may be in respect of benefits, employment, housing, educational and library services.
To make an appointment, contact on sth.eclosheffield@nhs.net or call 07849845076.
Alternatively, call in at the eye clinic and ask on reception.