Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver that if left untreated can cause chronic liver disease and liver cancer. It is estimated that 160 000 in the UK have chronic hepatitis C, with 2200 patients estimated to be infected in the Sheffield area. Many patients are still undiagnosed and untreated. Since 2015 highly effective direct acting antiretroviral tablets with few side-effects (and no interferon) have become available offering cure rates of 90-95%. The government aims to eliminate hepatitis C by 2025.

Our specialist clinics provide care for patients with Hepatitis C. The clinics are run through a multi disciplinary team that includes doctors in infection and virology, specialist nurses, a specialist clinical psychologist and a specialist social worker.

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals is home to the South Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire Hepatitis C Operation Delivery Network (ODN), providing support across the area to improve and increase testing and treatment of hepatitis C. This service is delivered through hospital clinics, outreach and in-reach into prisons.

For more information on hepatitis C visit the NHS choices page

This service is available at the following Hospitals: