Your neurologist may have booked you in for some investigations; these are to help make a diagnosis and decisions about your treatment.
The EEG machine records the electrical signals from your brain on a computer. During the EEG, an EEG specialist places electrodes on your scalp, using a special glue or sticky tape. The electrodes are then connected to the EEG machine, which records the electrical signals onto a computer. During this you may be asked to do some deep breathing exercises and shown flashing lights.
An MRI scan uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to show if there’s a structural cause for someone’s epilepsy. The MRI scanner is very noisy. And some people find it very uncomfortable being in a confined space. The radiographer who does the scan might need to inject you in your hand or arm with a ‘contrast’. This is to make the tissue and blood vessels show up as clearly as possible. This scan may take up to an hour and you need to keep still while you are being scanned to get a clear image.