Low mood, depression and anxiety

  • Depression becomes a problem when the unhappy feelings don’t go away and it affects our daily life: eating, sleeping or being able to get out of bed. Depression is more likely in someone with epilepsy but this does not necessarily mean that one condition has caused the other.
  • Remember you are not alone.

Some ideas to help yourself:

  • Eat well balanced meals regularly, exercise, and get out of the house.
  • You can also refer yourself to the IAPT service (http://iaptsheffield.shsc.nhs.uk/).
  • It is important to track these feelings, and speak to your GP. Together you can discuss treatment options, such as counselling, or medication.
  • Your neurologist may also be able to refer you to the hospitals neuro-psychiatrists, but there is a waiting list for this.

This service is available at the following Hospitals: