The Renal Pre-Treatment Team

Welcome to the Renal Pre Treatment team page.

On this page there is important information regarding your treatment. Please use the below boxes to find out more.

When your kidneys are working at around 20% of normal function, your consultant will ask us to meet with you. We will help you make a plan for your future treatment.

  • Meet us
  • Watch a DVD about treatment for kidney failure
  • Ask any questions you may have

After this meeting, we will visit you at home to discuss the information in more detail. We are happy to meet your friends and family too. If a group is not for you, we will meet you in Renal Sorby Outpatients or come to your home.

Once we have met with you, we will keep in touch and meet again in the outpatient clinic. We are also happy to visit you again if you think it would be helpful.

We realise that making a decision about your treatment can be difficult but we are here to help you make the best choice for you.

We will give you information on all types of treatment for your kidney failure.

You can contact us with worries and questions about your health. We may not know the answer but can find the person that does!

We can form a link with other staff at the Renal Unit who can help you, such as the Renal dieticians, Renal psychologists and the Renal Social Work Team.

We will advise you about Hepatitis B vaccinations and can help with holiday advice and travel insurance companies.

We also run an education programme called SKIPP (Sheffield Kidney Informed Patient Programme) to help you learn look after your health.

You can telephone us on: 0114 226 9390

If we are out you can leave a message on our voicemail.

This service is available at the following Hospitals: