Gynaecology Appointments

How to get an appointment (Gynaecology, Urology and Colorectal)

The Pelvic Health team based at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital and Jessop Hospital wing treat women who are referred to us from the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals gynaecology, colorectal and urology teams.

Alternatively if you live in Sheffield and have a Sheffield GP, you can request a GP referral to the Sheffield Community Continence and Pelvic Health team, who assess and treat patients within community care settings.


  • Bladder, bowel and vaginal conditions are unfortunately a common problem for many people . These issues are often ignored due to embarrassment and lack of awareness of what can be done to help.
  • Pelvic Health Physiotherapists are highly skilled in the assessment, management and treatment of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and can provide you with support to manage your symptoms
  • National guidelines recommend that women with incontinence problems should be offered at least 3 months of pelvic floor exercises, and those with mild or moderate prolapse should be offered at least 4 months of pelvic floor exercises taught by a specialist physiotherapist or continence nurse. There is evidence that the pelvic floor exercises work to strengthen the muscles reduces prolapse symptoms and decrease leakage.

We offer pelvic floor exercises and rehabilitation, advice on healthy bladder and bowels, electrical stimulation and bio-feedback feedback for the pelvic floor muscles. We also provide management for pelvic floor relaxation and painful sex. We assess the pelvic floor muscles by vaginal examination and we shall be asking your consent before doing this examination.

We treat women with:

  • Stress urinary incontinence – leakage of urine on coughing, laughing or excercise
  • Over active bladder (often called “Urgency”) – when you have to suddenly rush to go to the toilet and you sometimes leak before you get there
  • Frequency - when you go to the toilet lot of times in the day or night
  • Prolapse – a feeling of heaviness or a bulge in the vagina
  • Bowel problems – constipation, urgency, leaking stool (poo) or difficulty controlling wind
  • Pelvic pain - vulvodynia, vaginismus and pain with intercourse
  • We also see complex MESH patients
  • Pelvic Floor Exercises - video

Your first appointment will last one hour and follow-up appointments will be made 4-6 weeks later and will last for 30 minutes.

We also offer pelvic health group sessions, which last for one hour and provide useful advice and teach pelvic floor exercises for bladder, bowel and vaginal issues.

Leaflets and Further Information



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