
Spasticity is a disorder of muscles that can be caused by a number of different diseases affecting the brain or spinal cord. It is perhaps best thought of as a ‘tightening up’ of muscles. It causes weakness, pain, decreased voluntary control of muscle and spasms and can interfere with daily functions, eg washing, dressing and walking.

The treatment of spasticity is complex and requires many different skills. A number of different specialists are involved at the Complex Spasticity Management Clinic, run in the Osborn Unit. We combine the skills of specialist doctors, specialist physiotherapists, gait analysis laboratory, functional electrical stimulation, orthotics, specialised seating, splinting and specialist surgery. It is the combination of these treatments that gets the best results in improving the lives of patients and carers.

The clinic offers a complete and specialised service with all these different aspects being involved as no one treatment on its own is effective.

Any queries or referral forms can be obtained from:-

Dr Rajiv Singh
Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine
The Princess Royal Spinal & Neurorehabilitation Centre
Osborn Building
Northern General Hospital
Herries Road
S5 7AU

Telephone: 0114 2715651

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